Hello Avatar fans, Airspeed Prime here to tell you all about an event we are planning here on the site to celebrate the 7th Anniversary of the day 101 The Boy In The Iceberg and 102 The Avatar Returns first Aired, effectively where Avatar began for us fans.
So the event itself will basically be a rewatch of both of these episodes, the key thing is that we are urging everyone who is interested to be online on the site and be in the Special Anniversary Chatroom on the site so we can all watch these episodes together and talk about our first experiences watching these episodes, how we feel about them now especially with the premiere of the new show, Korra coming up.
The basic plan is that I will open the Chatroom at about 6PM EST and people can have some pre event chat before we start. At about 7:15 PM, giving people a few minutes to join the room I will ask everyone to start 101 and begin discussion, once 101 ends we will wait about 5-10 minutes and then being 102.
So we urge all current members on the site to join in by being online at the time and joining the chatroom, but for those of you who are yet yet members you may not know how to go about joining the site or using the chatroom.
Basically you sign up here
Then to get into the chatroom, once you are logged in and online you should see the chat bar at the bottom of the site.
[caption id="attachment_4910" align="aligncenter" width="678" caption="The arrow points to the chatroom"]
Once you click the chatroom icon you will see this screen with the chatroom named "Avatar 7 Year Anniversary Event" just click that and you are in the chatroom and ready to join in on our big event.
[caption id="attachment_4912" align="aligncenter" width="674" caption="Here is the chatroom, you can also use the "popout" icon to open the chat in a new window."]

So that is how you get involved with this event, it should be a great time remembering with fellow fans how amazing seeing it for the first time was and how differently you feel now.
So remember the chatroom will be open at 6PM EST February 21st , and the event itself will start at 7PM until about 8PM on . Also remember to have the episodes ready to go so everyone is in sync while chatting.
For talk of this before then please have it all in this thread
Also please if you can say you are attending this facebook event, it will give us a good idea of how many people were involved :)