Avatar Online Podcast Episode 121 - Trivia Special - December 6th 2015


Quizmaster Morgan (Airspeed Prime) is joined by contestants Greg(Greg2b), Kelly(Gemini530) and Troy (Trojan People) for an Avatar Trivia special edition of the podcast. Greg, Kelly and Troy battle it out in a trivia showdown to determine the picking order for our upcoming Korra Rewatch. The next podcast will be released on December 16th 2015, it will be our Smoke and Shadow Part 2 Review Special - Podcast is 1 hour and 22 minutes long with the focus all on the trivia so no other segments beyond a 2 minute news update. - Download the MP3 here (Right Click -> Save As) http://avatarthelastairbenderonline.com/podcast/AvatarOnlinePodcast121.mp3 Podcast is just over 82 minutes long Podcast RSS Feed – http://feeds.feedburner.com/avatarpodcast Stitcher - http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/jordan-garn/avatar-the-last-airbender-and-korra-online Itunes – http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/avatar-last-airbender-podcast/id512736597 Just search “Avatar Online in podcasts” Please give us some positive feedback to help spread the show. A 5 Star Review would be tremendous. If you have any listener Questions or suggestions ask them here http://avatarthelastairbenderonline.com/groups/avatar-online-podcast/forum/topic/listener-questions-and-suggestions/ Or the email address [email protected]