Avatar Online Podcast Episode 200 - January 6th 2019

How to vote in the 2019 Avatar Awards
-Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcixofT-QVc and vote in the comments section -Vote by email, by copy and pasting the list of awards below into an email, filling in your own votes and sending your votes to [email protected] List of AwardsBest Book:
Best Book 1 Episode:
Best Book 2 Episode:
Best Book 3 Episode:
Best Overall Episode:
Worst Book 1 Episode:
Worst Book 2 Episode:
Worst Book 3 Episode:
Worst Overall Episode:
Favourite Character:
Worst Character:
Best Minor Character:
Best Character Development:
Best Animal:
Best Spirit:
Best Location:
Best Villain:
Most Attractive Male Character:
Most Attractive Female Character:
Best Ship/Couple:
Best Romantic Moment:
Funniest Moment:
Most Epic Moment:
Most Emotional Moment:
Most Shocking Moment:
Best Fight:
Best Quote:
Best Music:
Best Airbending Moment:
Best Waterbending Moment:
Best Earthbending Moment:
Best Firebending Moment:
Best Non-Bender Fighting Moment:
Best ATLA Comic:
Best ATLA Comic Moment: