Nick has released a collectors edition of Avatar The Last Airbender: Book 1, it's hard to say whether or not this is worth buying, the box is really cool and everything and the extra bonus disc; a 30 minute documentary, which goes into some in-depth history of the creation of Avatar The Last Airbender, is pretty neat featuring interviews with the creators Mike and Bryan plus many of the artists, composers etc.. , you will also get a mini version of the book Avatar The Last Airbender: The Art of the Animated Series (which by the way the full version of that book we highly, highly recommend).
[caption id="attachment_1940" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="You will get a "Mini" Version of this book, The full verson of this book comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED"]
Learn more about the full version of Avatar The Last Airbender: The Art of the Animated Series
[caption id="attachment_1941" align="aligncenter" width="370" caption="This is the Spiffy looking box that Season 1 Comes in + The Mini Art Book + The Documentary, If you haven't yet bought the first season yet, then this is a good one to get, if you have already bought the first season then only get this if you have some extra cash lying about."]
If you don't already own all the seasons of Avatar (shame on you :) ) and are thinking of buying book 1 then I would recommend going ahead and buying the collectors edition, the documentary and mini book are pretty neat.
If you do already own every season of Avatar then only buy this if you have some extra cash laying around because this is basically Season one thrown into some fancy packaging with the documentary and the mini book thrown in, and plus you'll be supporting Avatar: The Last Airbender staff.
What I was most looking for was the Unaired Pilot Episode without audio commentary but alas it wasn't included (this would've been a perfect time to include it!). Special note, if you are looking for the Unaired Pilot Episode WITHOUT Audio Commentary then checkout the:
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 1: Essentials Collection - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Which comes with a version of that episode with and without audio commentary, but it is currently only available via Itunes.
Other Great Ways to Watch Avatar The Last Airbender

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