Airspeed Prime here to introduce the first ever competition with an actual item to give away.

Endgame Book

As the title says, up for grabs is 1 copy of The Legend Of Korra Endgame, the recently released Junior Novel about the second half of Book 2 of Korra. I accidentally ended up with 2 copies so I have 1 to give away. So, How do you win and enter ? 1/ First of all you need to be a member of the site as you will be required to send me a private message. It is free and easy to sign up if you are not yet a member. 2/ You will need to answer the following question correctly to be entered
What was Gommu's job ? Who did he work for ? and why did he lose it ?
You need to get all 3 parts correct. You need to Private Message me your answer, which you can do here Just click Private Message, use "Endgame Competition" as the title and just give me your answer to the question. 3/ For ease of choosing someone randomly, once you send me your answer, post a comment below this post just confirming you have sent in your answer. This way I can easily assign everyone a number and can the randomly choose a winner 4/ If you are under 16 please make sure you have your parents permission to enter as if you win I will need you to tell me your address so I can send you the book. So if you are chosen as the winner I will message you on the site and ask for your address. 5/ Contest is open to everyone except myself, this includes the sites moderators, since it will be chosen at random there will be no favourites. 6/ The contest is open for 2 weeks, the winner will be revealed at this time and day 2 weeks. 7/ You can only enter once 8/ Do not post your answer to the question in the comments below. You are giving away the answer and lowering your chance to win. I think that covers everything, remember you have to PM me your answer and then post on this post saying you have done so. Good Luck everyone :)