At long last the next ATLA comic has been announced. have the exclusive on the story.
The core of the news is that we have a new creative team on the comic and right now the release date is just 2018, with no name of the comic just yet, though with NYCC coming up this weekend we could get some extra news.
The new creative team is Faith Erin Hicks as the writer and Peter Wartman as the artist.
Faith Erin Hicks has previously been the artist on the free comic "Shells" and now after the success of her Nameless City Graphic Novel which she wrote and did the art for she is coming on board as the writer for the new Avatar comics.
Peter Wartman is new to me, but his graphic novel Over The Wall was very well received by all accounts and judging by the character designs presented here, it looks like we have a very impressive artist on board.
Unfortunately there is not too much substance to the reveal, beyond confirmation of a new ATLA book coming and the creative team, nothing on plot, character arcs or setting just yet. Still this news was much needed by the fandom and so far the new book looks to be shaping up well.
My guess based of the new designs is that we may get a slight time skip from North and South to this, the characters look older, but not that much older. About a year I would say.
What are your thoughts?