With the site having been down for a few weeks we have missed covering a decent amount of news. So I will attempt in this post to cover the key news.
The Legend of Korra News
-Turf Wars Part 3 cover revealed, nothing much to say here, just the cover no new info on Part 3.
-IDW Games previously announced Pro Bending Arena game has had a lot more information about it now based on coverage from recent conventions. The kickstarter previously scheduled to go live on September 6th will now go live on September 13th as there are some additions they want to make to the game.
Avatar The Last Airbender
-The only notable thing on the ATLA front is that Dark Horse confirmed on social media that there will be more ATLA comics (Post North and South) and that there will be news in the coming months. Most fans believe this means news at New York Comic Con in early October, but with the recent comics panels being huge disappointments it is difficult to be overly excited.
-The next Avatar Merchandise release is the North and South Library Edition Hardcover which will be out October 25th in comic stores.