As the title says the next three locations are open now: Central Station, Future Industries and Republic City Park.

So I will just go through some of the really interesting stuff in this post in bullet point form.

  • Trains are not used as much since Satomobiles were invented
  • Skoochy is finally confirmed to be a character after we heard him mentioned on IMDB, voiced by Zach Callison, he is a 12 year old Earthbender who is a pickpocket and like Mako and Bolin is an Orphan.
Zuko statue
  • Zuko is still alive O.O he is 87 and has stepped down as Fire Lord and now his daughter is Fire Lord, but he still travels the world as an ambassador for peace.
  • As we know Yuans are the currency in United Republic, notes and coins.
  • Satomobiles run on gasoline.
  • Cabbage Corp are another company who make low cost compact cars
  • We get our first look at a race car confirming that there is indeed a racetrack in the Avatar World now
  • There are also Taxi’s
  • Sparkly Sparkly Bush Man’s name is Gommu, he is 55
  • The Equalist Protester guy is 35 and seemingly has no name.Confirms there is a university.