Inspired by the recent Blog post Things Avatar Fans Want to See in The Legend of Korra We have decide to put together a list of The biggest unanswered questions and plotpoints from Avatar The Last Airbender. This will be questions that might be answered in Avatar The Legend Of Korra ,Things we may never see answered and things that we can come up with our own answers for. Most of this list comes from our community discussion about this(linked below). See All Unresolved Plot Points in Avatar The Last Airbender in our Community Discussion Here is the list of Unresolved Questions from Avatar The Last Airbender. Iroh's trip to the Spirit World and His past [caption id="attachment_2284" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Iroh notices the spirit of Roku's Dragon Fang."]Iroh notices the spirit of Roku's Dragon Fang.[/caption] Iroh is a fan favorite character, he is loved because of his amazing Wisdom and Advice and also because he is one of the most powerful Firebenders in the World. Despite this we know very little about his past. What we know:
  • Iroh wasn't always so good, he used to be a General of The Fire Nation Army
  • He was the only person before Azula to break through the outer walls of Ba Sing Se, He did this during his 600 day siege of Ba Sing Se
  • During this Siege His Son, Liu Ten, was killed.This loss caused him to abandon the siege
  • It has been mentioned that Iroh went to the Spirit World, Zhao says " I've heard rumors about your journey into the Spirit World" and Iroh sees Aang on Fang when no one else does.
  • Iroh found the Ancient Sun Warriors, he was given the secret of Firebending by Ran and Shao.
What we don't know:
  • The timeline of his past is all over the place, when did he meet the Sun Warriors and go to the Spirit World.- We can only presume this happened after the death of his son
  • How did he get into the Spirit world ?, from what we know only the Avatar can go in alone and we see Sokka get dragged in by Hei Bei.-My guess Spiritual Tea or he was brought into the Spirit World to get over the Death of Liu Ten.
  • Iroh said he studied WaterBenders and this helped him to develop Lightning Redirection, When did his happen ?
These Questions, More than Likely won't be answered in Korra as he will be long dead. So the only hope of finding out more about Iroh's past is if more Web Comics like the "Escape From The Spirit World" are made. Toph and her Parents [caption id="attachment_2289" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph left her parents, without their permission, to help Aang, But apart from the letter she sent them we don't know if she made up with her parents"]Toph's Parents[/caption] Toph is another character who is widely loved, despite this she doesn't go through much character development, her main story was about her leaving her controlling parents to be free and see the world.In The Runaway she reveals that she still cares about her parents, and sends them a letter to tell them her true feelings and apologize for just leaving. This is the last we hear about Toph's parents. Fans widely presume that after the end of the show she goes to see them and make up, her parents finally accept the real Toph, who is not helpless. This has the chance to be resolved in Korra if there are indeed flashbacks to the Avatar The Last Airbender characters. Lightning generation and Redirection [caption id="attachment_2290" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Zuko redirects lightning, but after the series does he ever learn how to generate his own?"]Zuko redirects Lightning[/caption] Lightning as a sub category of Firebending is one of the coolest things in the whole Avatar Universe, but there are some things we don't know about this amazing for of Bending:
  • Can only the Fire Nation Royal Family generate Lightning ? we only see Iroh, Ozai, Azula generate lightning and we know that Zuko has the ability to do it, these are all in the Fire Nation Royal family. Also Zuko despite knowing the theory behind Lightning generation does not attempt to teach it too Aang. Iroh says "Only a select few firebenders can separate these energies" .
  • Zuko in Bitter work is being thought How to generate Lightning by Iroh, but he fails everytime, Iroh says "You will not be able to master lightning until you have dealt with the turmoil inside you". By the end of the show Zuko has dealt with his inner turmoil and found his destiny, Can he now generate Lightning.This could be resolved in Korra if their is a flashback to Zuko
Sokka's Space Sword and Boomeraang [caption id="attachment_2291" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sokka with his newly made Sword, Made from a meteorite. Lost during the Battle of Wulong Forest along with His Boomerang."]Sokka's Sword[/caption] Sokka says himself that he is "The boomeraang guy" , he loves his weapons almost as much(if not more) as his friends. He has lost his Boomeraang many times, but it always came back. Until Himself, Suki and Toph attacked Ozai's air fleet, Sokka lost both weapons saving himself and Toph. Will he get them back ? or will they come up again in Korra. Aang's influence on his classmates [caption id="attachment_2292" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Aang as Kuzon went to School in The Fire Nation, while there he thought his classmates to express themselves ,But did his influence have a lasting effect into their future."]Aang as Kuzon in school[/caption] While Aang was in a Fire Nation School he realized that the kids were not "evil" like most of the soliders and Ozai, he saw how the school brainwashed them into thinking the Firenation was good and helping the other nations. While there he threw a Dance Party and thought his classmates to express themselves. Will his classmates grow up to be like the other Fire Nation people or will they grow up Good ? Swampbenders [caption id="attachment_2293" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Due and Tho are Two Swampbenders from The Foggy Swamp tribe, They are Waterbenders but are unknown to The Northern and Southern Water Tribes."]Due and Tho ,Swampbenders[/caption] Aang and his friends are drawn to a Swamp, while there they discover The Foggy Swamp Tribe, a small tribe of waterbenders. This tribe is completely unknown to both the southern and Northern Tribe. Where did they come from ? Did a group of benders from the Northern or Southern Tribe break off to start their own tribe? They have developed a new style of Waterbending called "Foggy Swamp Style" Ursa's Fate and Her role in getting Ozai the birthright [caption id="attachment_2294" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ursa, the biggest mysteries of Avatar revolve around her, Is she still alive ? what did she do to save Zuko and get Ozai to Fire Lord ?"]Ursa's fate[/caption] Ursa's fate The biggest and most widely disputed question of Avatar, Is Ursa Alive or not ? and the question that link to that, If she is alive why did she not reveal herself to Zuko ? Here is what we know:
  • In a dream Zuko hears Azula say " Sleep, Just Like Mother !" in an evil way ,suggesting she is dead, But this is just a dream
  • Ursa wakes up Zuko, tells him she loves him and goes away, suggesting she was banished but still alive.
  • Ozai tells Zuko,During the eclipse that Ursa was banished for her role in the death of Azulon. This could be a lie that Ozai told to get Zuko to stay until after the eclipse
  • In the series finale Zuko goes to see Ozai in Prison and demands Ozai tell him where Ursa is. This strongly suggests that Ursa is still alive, why would they end the series with this question only to find out she is dead later.
There are Rumors that we will see a flashback in Avatar The Legend Of Korra of Zuko finding Ursa. Ursa's role in Azulon's death and getting Ozai the Birthright When Ozai suggested to Azulon that he be given the Birthright, to the throne, after the death of Iroh's son Liu Ten, Azulon demanded that he feel the loss of his first son. Ozai was going to Kill Zuko until Ursa stepped in to protect her son. What she did is unknown But What we do know is that the result is that Azulon died soon after, Ozai was given the birthright by Azulon, Zuko was saved and Ursa was Killed or banished. Ozai tells Zuko that Ursa committed "vicious, treasonous things" the night Azulon died, this suggests she killed Azulon or was involved in his death. The Question is What did Ursa do during the time when Azulon died and Ozai was given the birthright ? Dragon Egg [caption id="attachment_2315" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Is The Sun Warrior's Sun Stone actually a Dragon Egg ?"]Dragon Eggo Sun Warriors[/caption] In The Firebending Masters, After Zuko and Aang do The Dancing Dragon a pedestal rises out of the ground. Zuko picks up the Egg shaped Golden artifact, he says "It feels almost alive". The Two Dragons Ran and Shao ,while their genders have not been confirmed, may be of opposite genders. This could suggest that the artifact is a Dragon Egg, Ran and Shao's egg. Does this mean the Dragons won't be extinct after Ran and Shao die ? Other They were the biggest questions left unanswered from Avatar, here are some more that don't inspire as much discussion -Jet and Longshot, did Longshot put Jet out of his misery? -Did Xin Fu and Master Yu ever make it out of the metal prison -Does Chit Sang leave his criminal past behind and become good -Will Sky Bisons and Winged Lemurs go extinct when Appa and Momo die ? -Where was Chong and the Nomads during Sozin's Comet ? In Conclusion These unanswered questions do not have any negative impact on Avatar as a whole, these questions inspire discussion and gets everyone thinking, While we all want them to be answered , Some may be in Avatar The Legend Of Korra, If they are not answered we can still have great discussions and debates on the answers. If you liked this you should check out: Community Discussion about Unresolved Avatar Plots