Yes another one of these posts. I have already done this for The Promise Part 3 and The Search Part 1, so I will continue to do it for all upcoming comics.
I feel it is easy to forget about the comics especially now that we are getting some good Korra information. So this post will hopefully remind people about The Search Part 2 which is out next week July 10th in comic stores. I will hopefully have a review of it out next Wednesday, but that depend on if I can get it.
So as usual I will go through a few reasons why I feel this is going to be a fascinating comic.

1/ The Cliffhanger ending to Part 1
Arguably the most discussed thing in the fandom in years, the ending put doubt in Zuko and our minds as to whether he was actually Ozai's son. Nothing as of now is confirmed either way, but Zuko is clearly stunned. I say nothing is confirmed because Azula had the note, it could be a fake and all part of a plan to defame Zuko and take away his claim to the throne. That said if it turns out to be completely true, I don't think it is terrible, it could work, but I would lean towards it being a fake.
This could even just turn out to be simply a shocking way to end Part 1, which is resolved very early in Part 2. The key word in the letter is "Our" does this mean Ursa and Ozai or Ursa and Ikem.
Lets not also forget how this could impact Zuko's view on his mother.
2/ Azula
One of the most interesting aspects of part 1, she is doing Ozai's bidding, but also wants to find her mother. Add to this her constant visions of her mother where she blames her for everything bad that has happened to her. Azula is both dangerous and vulnerable in this story, making her very unpredictable.
Everyone is talking about a possible redemption for Azula. Ozai clearly does not care about her mental state, but Team Avatar for the most part seem in some way concerned about her. Ozai is not with the group, so she only has good people with her, as things go on could she gradually become more open around Team Avatar. What is Azula's character arc? Where is she going?
I think she has to meet her mother again, that could be the moment that changes Azula.
3/ Ursa
A surprise to me in part 1 was how much Ursa flashback story there was. Now it is a huge part of the story, we know from the preview that the flashbacks will go past the point we last saw her in in the show, which is huge. More than likely we will at last get Ursa's involvement in the death of Azulon, between her and Ozai how did those events go down.
While I think the big answers will be kept back until Part 3, Part 2 will definitely give us some ideas about what happened to Ursa after she left.
4/ The mystery of the Spirits and the face patterns
I really enjoyed how little was explained about the spirits in Part 1. The wolf appeared before Ikem and then Team Avatar, it then proceeded to vomit out Spirit Moth-Wasps. Not to mention the face patterns on the spirit creatures that cause Aang to make the same faces.
It seems such a useless power to be able to make the Avatar (I assume it is because the Avatar is a spiritual being) make faces. What is the point, it doesn't seem to work on the others so why?
It definitely hints at Ursa's fate having a spiritual element to it. I am excited to see where it goes from here, because right now I have no clue or theory.
Final Thoughts
It is exploring a huge mystery that we have waited years for, part 1 was well received so what is not to be excited for. Ursa alone will be enough to make many people buy this book, add a complex portrayal of Azula and the mystery of the spirits and you have a packed book. My one worry going into part 2 would be that The Promise Part 2 was not as plot/info packed as 1 and 3, so I hope The Search Part 2 stays focused on the main plots.
Expect my review of The Search Part 2 on Wednesday July 10th unless I am unable to get it then. Also a podcast review will be up on Sunday July 14th.
You can find where your local comic store is here:
The 7 Page preview of The Search Part 2 can be found here: