Airspeed Prime here to bring you a review of the recently released comic collection from Dark Horse Comics," Avatar The Last Airbender The Lost Adventures".
Fans are Raving: It's like Watching Extra Episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender!
I will start with the story of its release, Announced by Dark horse in February along with upcoming Post book 3 Graphic Novels it had an early July release date. Amazon then changed the date about 3 weeks ago to Mid June, a few days later the date was changed to January 2012 and even Dark Horse Customer services said it was due out in December. Then last week the date changed back to early July, but people started to find the book in comic shops and get shipping emails. It has worked out in the end, and the book exists and is excellent. I just hope that Dark Horse become more organised with future Avatar releases.
So on to the Review itself. I will start with the stats
Avatar: The Last Airbender The Last Adventures is Out Now! Click Here To Order
[caption id="attachment_3399" align="aligncenter" width="534" caption="The Cover, The book byDark Horse Comics (the people who brought us Avatar: The Art of the Animated Series)"]
- It is a paperback (well card technically) book, feels sturdy despite the page count
- 240 pages with the last 15 being a preview of The art book and adverts for other comics and mangas
- It is slightly smaller than usual comic collections, here is a comparison. That said for me, I found it to be perfectly sized, easy to read and see the panels clearly. it is 15cm(6 inch) by 22.5cm(9 inch)
Click Here to Order Avatar The Last Adventures Today
- 28 stories ranging for 2 pages to 22 pages.
- Split up into Book 1 Water, Book 2 Earth, Book 3 Fire and bonus stories. 5 Water stories, 9 Earth stories, 12 Fire Stories and 2 Bonus non canon stories
- Retail price is given as $14.99 US , $16.99 CAN. I got mine from for €10 shipped. I will say it now it is well worth at least €20
- Paper Quality and colours are very good.