Avatar Online Podcast - Admin Talk Episode 4 - March 20th 2014
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Our favourite Book 2 Spirits episodes.[/caption]
AvatarTheLastAirbenderOnline.com and AvatarTheLegendOfKorraOnline.com unite for the fourth time as Morgan (Airspeed Prime) and Keval return to check up on how it has been running fansites since our last episode in August 2013. Keval talks about some of the new features he has added to his site and we chat about how the respective communities of our fansites have reacted to Book 2 and the wait for Book 3. We then talk about Book 2 Spirits as we go through discussing the various characters, plots and themes. We end by previewing Book 3 Change as best we can.
Podcast is 69 minutes long
Download the MP3 here (Right Click -> Save As)
Podcast is 69 minutes long
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