[caption id="attachment_5591" align="aligncenter" width="500"]
Amazing poster, but unfortunately only available at SDCC 2012[/caption]
The Avatar Online Podcasts is back for the second time this week to present to you a discussion and summary of the Korra information that came out of SDCC 2012 which is just finishing up.
Morgan (Airspeed Prime) is joined by Callum (Badgermole1) and Nick (Cosmobender) to talk and speculate a bit about everything Avatar at SDCC this year, from the book 2 news to out thoughts on the exclusive merchandise that people at the show could buy.
00:00:00 - Intro, Nick talks about his upcoming Avatar Community Game he is working on.
Check out his Tumblr page for Updates on how the game is progressing, http://cosmobender.tumblr.com/
and if you think you can help out with the game check out the thread about the game, http://avatarthelastairbenderonline.com/groups/avatar-world/forum/topic/avatar-the-last-airbender-online-community-game/
00:05:10 - We discuss all the Korra comic con news SPOILER WARNING some Book 2 story is revealed though it is not too bad, Check out this news post to follow along with us. http://avatarthelastairbenderonline.com/sdcc-2012-korra-panel-information/
Script Reading is here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jJdMjYdTMM
Animatics here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62gTP0mEKg
Download the MP3 here (Right Click -> Save As)
Or just click once to listen.
Podcast is just under 70 minutes long
Podcast RSS Feed – http://feeds.feedburner.com/avatarpodcast
Itunes – http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/avatar-last-airbender-podcast/id512736597
Just search “Avatar Online in podcasts” Please give us some positive feedback to help spread the show. A 5 Star Review would be tremendous.
If you have any listener Questions or suggestions ask them here
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[email protected]