At long last we finally have some details on the next Avatar The Last Airbender Comic series. Thanks to ComicBookResources we now know that the next ATLA series is called "Smoke and Shadow", like the previous 3 series it is a 3 part series.
We have the covers for part 1 which will be out September 23rd 2015 and Part 2 which is out December 16th 2015
Now for some information on the series. It will tie into last years free comic book day issue "Rebound" which was about Mai and The New Ozai Society. Smoke and Shadow will focus on how Zuko deals with The New Ozai Society which is set on getting him off the throne, while Mai leads a rebellion against The New Ozai Society. No real mention of Aang's full involvement, but I assume he will be helping Zuko deal with this new threat. Of course the creative team remains the same, Gene Yang writing and Team Gurihiru on art.
The interview with Gene Yang also mentions some more details here are some key points in bullet form
-Heavily hinted that Azula will be involved at some stage in the series
-Will explore the Mai and Zuko relationship in detail as well as Mai herself
-Iroh will have a role in this series
-Nothing concrete, but the idea of a bigger time jump after this series is brought up
-There is a spiritual element to this series also, mentioned that there is a spiritual element to the actions of Mai's father who is the head of The New Ozai Society
There are other things mentioned,but these are the key info points right now.
Thoughts on this new series?