In spite of severely negative reviews the built in fans of the Avatar The Last Airbender show have propelled The Last Airbender into 2nd place over the lucrative Holiday Weekend. (A distand 2nd to Twilight Saga Eclipse). Since then The Last Airbender has made over $70 Million in 5 days, although predictions abound that the movie will lose it's appeal after word of mouth spread the word about the movies poor dialogue and pacing, will quickly burn down the movies popularity.
Although I agree The Last Airbender had it's share of problems and *some* of the criticism is accurate, I think The Last Airbender had some gems of potential, in our forth-coming review, we'll discuss some of the problems the movie faced, in addition to things it did right. Plus we are interviewing fans of the cartoon, people who were off and on watchers, and people who have never heard of Avatar The Last Airbender before. We are looking for constructive criticism to give to M Night in the event that he does produce the second movie it can hopefully tap into the small potential of the first and make something worthwhile.
Hopefully Night will listen to constructive criticism and can make changes necessary to make The Last Airbender Trilogy something fans can enjoy.
[caption id="attachment_1567" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Box Office Results over Fourth of July Weekend, Graphic Credit:"]
Cinematical Box Office Results
Manny The Movie Guy