At last the results of the second of our fan art contests are in. As promised last month, these have continued and will continue on.
About 1 month ago the contest began with the following theme.
"The time period between the two shows. So you can draw the original characters as adults, their kids, construction of Republic City, etc."
The prizes are as follows
First Place - 5000 Community Points
Second Place - 2000 Points
Third Place - 1000 Points
Everyone else who participated gets 500 points.
The final thing to mention before the results are the scoring system and how the points were calculated. Any member of the site could vote on the entries, including the artists (they cannot vote for their own piece). Each vote consisted of a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place vote each is assigned a point value: 1st Place = 3 points, 2nd Place 2 points and 3rd place 1 point. Points from every set of votes were added to give these final results.
Jadely's submission is of an early Republic City Park[/caption]
They-Call-The-Wind-Mariah's submission is of Lin Bei Fong learning Metalbending.[/caption]
AvatarManiac's submission is of Avatar Aang in the Avatar State near Yue Bay.[/caption]
MiamiJoseph's submission is of the building of Republic City.[/caption]
DragonMoose134's submission is of Aang and Katara on a beach with their 3 kids : Kya, Bumi and Tenzin.[/caption]
4TH Place - 2 Points
Artist - Jadely (@jade) [caption id="attachment_7108" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
3RD Place - 11 Points
Artist - They-Call-The-Wind-Mariah (@mariah) [caption id="attachment_7109" align="aligncenter" width="644"]
2ND Place - 14 Points
Artist - AvatarManiac789 (@avatarmaniac789) [caption id="attachment_7110" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
Joint 1ST Place - 16 Points each
Artist - MiamiJoseph (@miamijoseph) [caption id="attachment_7111" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
Artist - DragonMoose134 (@dragonmoose134)
[caption id="attachment_7112" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
Note on the tie/ DragonMoose received more 1st Place votes so the preview image for this post was chosen as her piece.
The Next Fan Art Contest will start in early December so check the contest thread for updates.