Entertainment Weekly recently interviewed Gene Yang to hype up the release of Smoke and Shadow Part 1 on September 23rd, but it was nothing about Smoke and Shadow that really stood out to me, instead it was just one line at the end. Gene Yang mentions that he will be the writer for all 3 parts of Smoke and Shadow, but also 3 more books after this.

"As for Yang’s future with the comic, he says he’ll helm the upcoming three issues, as well as three more after that."This is fairly big news as it has kind of been up in the air since the announcement of Korra Comics, everyone was wondering if the Avatar comics will continue after Smoke and Shadow. We now know that there will be at least one more comic. I would hope that it is more focused on Katara and Sokka and their long awaited return to the Southern Water Tribe, we know nothing about this unnamed story just yet, but they are the only main characters to not get a full comic focused on them.