UPDATE/ We now now that this full piece of art will be included in the North and South Library Edition. I assume this means it will be a farewell piece of art of sorts.
We have our first concrete information about the future of ATLA comics with the announcement from Team Gurihiru on social media that they are now done with their work on ATLA comics.
The originally posted yesterday with this uncoloured art and the text
The first thing to say is of course a huge thank you to Team Gurihiru for all of their great work on ATLA comics from their first work on The Lost Adventures, starting the comic trilogies with The Promise and all the way up to North and South.
Their art has always been so vibrant, clean and consistent and has really helped to turn the comics into a huge part of the fandom. They will be missed going forward.
The obvious next question is "What does this mean for the future of ATLA comics?" this is the question that has been on everyone's mind for a long time now. We initially thought that Korra comics just meant ATLA comics were taking a break and then coming back, but now with the creative team that has worked on 5 full trilogies not together anymore and no word on what is happening we are in a very frustrating situation as Avatar fans.
Does this mean that ATLA comics are just done for the foreseeable future?, are we just on break until a new artist can be found? or what. Of course there is huge excitement for the release of Turf Wars, but it feels weird to just full on stop ATLA comics to allow Turf Wars to be released, especially when ATLA comics are what built Dark Horse their Avatar fanbase.
There are still so many things left for ATLA comics to cover, Azula's character arc being the main thing that just seems crazy to leave on hiatus.
For me Dark Horse need to communicate to the fans what is happening, they have been vague the last few months, but as we approach SDCC and NYCC we NEED details on the future of ATLA comics and we know from NYCC last year that they know the fans/readers want more ATLA stuff, when they asked the audience what stories they wanted almost every suggestion was an ATLA one.
As for what this piece of art is, I assume this will be a poster/art print that will be at upcoming conventions as a farewell type thing for them as the ATLA artists. I would love it to be the cover for some project that has just been finished, but I doubt it.
What are your thoughts on Team Gurihiru being finished on ATLA comics.
"My last AVATAR work"Which left many fans confused as we were not sure if they meant last as in most recent piece or last ever official piece of art. They have since posted again on social media to clarify what they meant, they posted the coloured version of the same image and this text
"Thanks for reply.My ATLA work finished.We strongly felt that the series was loved by so many fans.It was wonderful working with ATLA team !"