The Movers Podcast Episode 15 - Tales from Earthsea - August 2nd 2015

Tales from EarthSea

Troy (Trojan People) is joined by Morgan (Airspeed Prime) and Greg(Greg2b) to discuss Troy's 4th pick, and the first movie pick, Tales from Earthsea. We go in-depth on this Ghibli film. - Next week is Avatar Online Podcast Episode 114. In 2 weeks time for The Movers Podcast Episode 16 we will review Greg's 4th pick, Voices of a Distant Star. - Download the MP3 here (Right Click -> Save As) Podcast is just over 93  minutes long Podcast RSS Feed – Stitcher - Itunes – Just search “Avatar Online in podcasts” Please give us some positive feedback to help spread the show. A 5 Star Review would be tremendous. To discuss this podcast on our forums and ask us any questions please post in this thread Or the email address [email protected]