Toph Bei Fong is a twelve year old Earthbending Master, She is also Blind , but despite this disability she actually has a deeper connection to the Earth than most Earthbenders. The reason for this is that she learned to use Earthbending as an extension of her senses, " Her Seismic Sense, she can in a way see everything, She does this by sensing the vibrations in the earth." In this article you will learn more about Toph from Avatar.
[caption id="attachment_2196" align="aligncenter" width="218" caption="Toph is a young, blind Earthbender, she accompanies Aang on his journey and teaches him Earthbending"]
Toph has a very Tough-Guy personality and is a bit of a tomboy, but she also has a sensitive side although she rarely show it, She also loves to make snappy remarks. She developed her tough personality by entering and winning underground Earthbending tournaments under the name "The Blind Bandit". She does this secretly and doesn't tell her parents, who also don't know that she is a powerful Earthbender and are very protective of her because of her blindness. When she encounters Aang and Friends, she sees her chance to be free of her controlling parents who don't understand her, she agrees to go with Aang on his journey to save the world and Teach him Earthbending.
Note: If you have not seen every episode there will be spoilers.
Toph's Early Years
Toph Bei Fong was born in The Earth Kingdom Town Of Gaoling, into The Wealthy Bei Fong Family. She was born Blind and because of his her parents,Poppy and Lao, always thought of her as being very helpless and in need of constant looking after. They were so protective of her that they hid her existence from everyone, to the extent that no one knew the Bei Fongs had a child. Her parents expected her to be Well mannered and perfect because of the families status, But Toph always hated the way her parents treated her and became rebellious and tough.
[caption id="attachment_2197" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph when she was Six years old."]
When Toph was Six, she ran away for the first time. She found herself in a cave, which was the home of a group of Badgermoles, the first Earthbenders. She immediately bonded with the Badgermoles as they were both Blind, From them she learned Earthbending as a martial art, but more importantly as an extension of her senses and a way to see the world. Toph mentions that she ran away again when she was nine. Her parents hired Master Yu to teach Toph some basic Earthbending, unaware of how powerful she already was. She then began to enter underground Earthbending tournaments under the Stage Name "The Blind Bandit" " to much Success.
Aang's Vision in The Swamp
The first time we see Toph in the show is in the Episode "The Swamp" , When Aang, Katara and Sokka are being shown Visions, Aangs vision is of Toph, in her Dress Laughing next to a flying Boar,The Symbol of the Bei Fong Family.
[caption id="attachment_2198" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Aang's vision of Toph in The Swamp"]
The Blind Bandit
The first time we ACTUALLY see Toph is when Aang and Friends go to Earth Rumble Six in search of an Earthbending teacher for Aang. After The Boulder makes his way to face the Champion , it is revealed that Toph as "The Blind Bandit" is the Champion. The Gaang is shocked and intrigued that this little girl is the champion. When Toph mocks and Laughs at The Boulder, Aang realizes that she is the girl from his vision and watches with intent noting what Bumi said about who his Earthbending should be, someone who waits and listens before striking(A master of the Third Jing, Neural Jing). After Toph easily defeats The Boulder using her seismic sense, Aang knows that Toph must be his teacher. He accepts the open challenge to defeat Toph, but only to talk to her, she attacks him and Aang defeats her by accident while defending himself, embarrassed and annoyed Toph storms Off.
[caption id="attachment_2199" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph as "The Blind Bandit" with the championship belt"]
They find her later, walking around the Bei Fong estate, she calls the guards not wanting to know anything about Aang's quest. Aang manages to get in to see her by Doing an official visit to the Bei Fongs. During Dinner Toph and Aang clash as Aang wans to Ask Toph to teach him, and Toph wants to keep her bending power a secret. They make up and walk around the estate, Toph explains how she "sees" the world. Soon they are captured by Xin Fu and the other underground Earthbenders and held for ransom.
Toph's parents pay hers, and as they go to leave, Toph decides to show her Father she is not helpless and fragile. She easily defeats all the earthbenders with an Amazing display of earthbending.That night Toph explains to her Parents about her secret and that she wants to help Aang, but her father decides she has to be cared for even more and demands Aang and friends leave. As Aang goes to leave Toph arrives, she tells them her father changed his mind, though everyone realizes she is lying. She is finally free to live her life the way she wants and not the way her Parents set out for her. Tophs Father hires Master Yu and Xin Fu to get back his daughter.
Early days with Team Avatar
Immediately Toph and Katara don't get on well at all. Katara wants her to help the group and not just carry her own weight, Katara confronts Toph about this but Toph just infuriates Katara. Team Avatar is soon on the run From a Fire Nation Tank and are not getting much sleep, this makes the feud even worse. When Aang yells at Toph for being the one causing all the problems, she leaves.
[caption id="attachment_2204" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph argues with Katara just before leaving"]
Toph runs into Iroh, and they have Tea. He gives her some Advice, She should let her friends help her, she tells him to tell Zuko that he need him. She then goes to find her friends and eventually catches up to them all, they have Azula cornered, she escapes but Toph has rejoined the group.
Sifu Toph
Toph begins to train Aang in Earthbending, Aang struggles to learn as Earth is his natural opposite, Toph is a tough teacher with little patience. She demands he be "Rock Like" and unmovable , But Aang being an Airbender dodges and Avoids and wont face the Rocks Head on. Toph then begins to insult Aang for being scared.
[caption id="attachment_2205" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph teaches Aang earthbending, The hard way !"]
Toph watches on secretly as Aang deals with the Sabertooth Mooselion Attacking Sokka, she sees him face it head on, and knows he has what it takes to Earthbend now. She has made Aang an Earthbender.
To Ba Sing Se
While Team Avatar are taking mini-vacations, Sokka wants to go to the Library of Wan Shi Tong, when they find it Toph decides to wait outside since she cant see. While the library is sinking with her friends still inside she goes to stop it , in doing this she has to Leave Appa to be Taken by the Sandbenders. After they make it through the Desert they have to Travel through the Serpents Pass,a deadly route to Ba Sing Se, They along with Suki and some refugees begin to cross. They are soon attacked by a Sea Serpent....
[caption id="attachment_2208" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph, thinking that it was Sokka who saved her, Kisses her savior."]
As Katara and Aang fight the serpent, everyone else crosses the ice bridge, everyone gets across except Toph, as she goes to cross the serpent destroys the bridge throwing Toph into the water. Sokka goes to save her, but Suki acts quicker and rescues Toph, Toph kisses Suki thinking it was Sokka, jokingly and embarrassed she asks Suki to let her drown.
Team Avatar arrive At The Earth Kingdom Capial, Ba Sing Se, only to find it under attack from a Giant Fire Nation Drill. After the guards are defeated by Mai and Ty Lee, Team Avatar Springs into action. Toph stays outside to slow down the drill as her friends stop it from the inside.
[caption id="attachment_2209" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph attempts to stop the Drill"]
When Katara holds back the Slurry, Toph joins in and builds up pressure in the Drill, Awaiting the Final blow from Aang.
In The City
For Saving the City, Team Avatar Are given a House in the Upper Ring Of The City. Toph is not happy about being back in a city again as she knows they will be "handled" as she was by her Parents. The group attempts to look for Appa but are constantly told off and Stopped by Joo Dee , They soon realize that they need to get the news of the upcoming Eclipse to the Earth King, they see " the perfect opportunity when they find out he is throwing a party for his bear, Bosco. They prepare for the party and Toph realizes only herself and Katara could possibly pass off as proper society people, and plan to let Sokka and Aang in later.
[caption id="attachment_2241" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph and Katara in formal attire, just before the Party."]
With the help of Long Feng they manage to get in and meet up with Sokka and Aang " , But as they are about to reach the Earth King they are all captured and brought before Long Feng. He tells them that it is actually he who controls Ba Sing Se(with the Dai Li), and it is his conspiracy to keep the war a secret within the walls.He tells them not to interfere or Aang will never see Appa again.
Team Avatar Wakes up one day to clean themselves , Katara notices that Toph is not very girly and doesn't clean herself, She decides to bring Toph to a Spa on a Girls day out, At first Toph hates it , but she grows into it and enjoys her day out.
[caption id="attachment_2242" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph's morning hair, in dire need of some pampering."]
They leave , Now wearing Make-Up when some older girls walk by and make fun of " Toph , Toph then Earthbends them into a river and Katara washes them away, Toph tells Katara that even though appearances don't matter to her, the insults sill hurt, Katara tells Toph that she admires her self-assured and confident attitude and says she is beautiful.
When Team Avatar runs into Jet, Toph uses her Earthbending and enhanced senses to assure her friends he is telling the truth about knowing something about Appa. When they meet Smellerbee and LongShot she reveals both the two of them and Jet are truthful, and they soon realize that Jet has been brainwashed. After helping him get his memories back he leads them to the Dai Li headquarters under Lake Laogai, they are soon confronted by Long Feng and his Dai Li.
[caption id="attachment_2243" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph battles the Dai Li Under Lake Laogai"]
A battle soon commences, Toph battles the Dai Li with Katara, Sokka, Smellerbee and LongShot as Jet and Aang chase Long Feng.When they catch up they find Jet badly injured, He says he will be ok, but Toph knows he is lying, Team Avatar leave as Smellerbee and LongShot stay with their Dying Leader.Outside they are saved from the Dai Li by Appa(who was set free by Zuko), they decide to go and tell the Earth King about the Eclipse.
They fight their way up the Palace Plaza and into the Palace, they make it to King Kuei and as they tell him of the conspiracy Long Feng denies everything. They manage to prove Long Feng is behind everything when they show the Kind the drill, proof of the war and Long Feng's treachery. The group are given the letters that Long Feng had taken, Toph's Mother is in the city and wants to meet her. The group Splits up , Sokka to see his dad, Aang to see the Guru and Katara stays to plan the invasion. As Toph enters the meeting place a metal cage closes around her and Master Yu and Xin Fu capture her.
[caption id="attachment_2244" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph trapped in a metal prison."]
As she is taken back to Gaoling, she studies the prison she is in, Concentrating and focusing really hard. Toph senses minute fragments of Earth in the Metal and proceeds to bend the metal and escape, then she traps Master Yu and Xin Fu in her prison and speeds back to Ba Sing Se. On her way she is spotted by Aang and Sokka who are also returning to Ba Sing Se, to see if Katara is all right.
[caption id="attachment_2245" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph senses the Earth fragments in the metal, teaching herself Metalbending."]
The Battle of Ba Sing Se
They arrive back at Ba Sing Se, The Earth King tells them Katara is fine, But when they arrive at their house they find Iroh looking for them, Zuko has been captured. They agree to help as Katara is missing. Toph and Sokka go to warn King Kuei of a Coup about to happen, but they are too late, they arrive just as the Council of Five are captured. They enter the throne room to find Ty Lee and Mai posing as Kyoshi Warriors, Azula holds The King captive and Toph and Sokka surrender.
[caption id="attachment_2246" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Team Avatar along with King Kuei and Bosco escape Ba Sing Se after the fall of The Earth Kingdom."]
Toph metalbends them out of their cell and they free King Kuei and Bosco, they all(including a revived but wounded Aang) escape on Appa ,completely defeated after the fall of The Earth Kingdom.
Undercover in the Fire Nation
After the loss at Ba Sing Se the group meets up with some of their allies, then they capture a Fire Nation Ship to use as cover while Aang recovers.Soon after Aang wakes up another Ship appears Asking where they are going. They immediately suspect its captured, Toph is the first to react and acts swiftly Metalbending the Bridge between the ships, with the help of her friends they manage to escape. Aang then runs away wanting to regain his honour,and Toph,Katara and Sokka find him and agree to travel through the Fire Nation until the invasion.
[caption id="attachment_2251" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Team Avatar share a group hug, as they agree to stick together."]
Everyone steals some Fire Nation clothes from a clothes line, Toph removes the soles of the shoes so she can "see" better. When Katara assumes the role of the Painted Lady ,Toph suggest that the town clean the river.
The Runaway
With the group in need of money to prepare for the Invasion, Toph suggests they go into town and play the street games to make money. She uses her Earthbending to scam the dealers and make a lot of money. Katara thinks they are going too far and urges them to stop before they get caught , Toph tells Katara that she is not her or Aang and Sokka's mother and that she hates her own parents and says she is no fun.
[caption id="attachment_2252" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph, Aang and Sokka after spending some of their "scammed" money."]
Sokka finds a wanted poster about Toph, calling her "The Runaway". Toph is delighted and loves her new name ,she gives Sokka more money to keep him quiet. Katara later finds the poster while rooting through Toph's things, Toph and Katara clash about this and they both storm off. Sokka goes to mend the friendship by talking to Toph, they are both unaware Katara is bathing in the water below. Toph admits she doesn't like the way Katara is so motherly, but admires her for being so compassionate and admits that Katara cares about her more than her Parents. Katara is touched and wants to help Toph pull a big scam.
[caption id="attachment_2253" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph and Katara plan their big scam."]
The scam is for Katara to bring in Toph and collect the reward, then Toph will metalbend herself out of prison. It doesn't go to plan as they are both placed in prison because Combustion Man set a trap knowing they would try to collect the reward. They are placed in a wooden prison where they realize they can't escape, until Katara notices that she is sweating and bends her sweat to break out. They find Aang and Sokka under attack from Combustion Man, Toph launches a boulder at him which he blows up, but a fragment hits him in his Third eye Blocking his chi and his attacks, as they escape Toph asks Katara to help her write a letter to her parents.
When Team Avatar encounters Hama ,a waterbender who has been controlling and kidnapping people during the Full Moon using Bloodbending, Toph frees her prisoners as her friends stop Hama.
The Invasion
Team Avatar meets up with the invasion force, Toph is going to be an Earthbending solider and meets her fellow Earthbending soldiers: Haru, Tyro, The Boulder and The Hippo. The force boards the subs and begin the invasion plan, Toph immediately is sick from this new form of transport and Vomits in The Duke's helmet.
[caption id="attachment_2254" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph meets The Hippo,now fighting for the Earth Kingdom, prior to the invasion."]
The Invasion force hits the Beach, Toph and the other Earthbenders hurl boulders at the enemy. " Toph meets up with Katara, Hakoda and Sokka, now leading the invasion, behind the Wedge of Tanks, when Aang returns and informs them that the palace city is abandoned . Everyone agrees to continue the invasion. Aang, Sokka and Toph search for Ozai's hiding place while Katara continues the attack.
[caption id="attachment_2255" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Aang decides that they must continue the Invasion."]
Toph uses her Earthbending to locate a metal bunker in the Volcano, they all enter the volcano. They make their way to the Throne room only to Find Azula Waiting for them. Toph soon realizes she can't tell if Azula is lying , she traps her with Earthbending which breaks, revealing The Dai Li agents. Aang, Toph and Sokka chase Azula, who is not attacking back, They eventually corner her.
[caption id="attachment_2256" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph battles the Dai Li"]
They soon realize that Azula is just wasting the Eclipse time and go to leave ,when Azula infuriates Sokka by telling him she has Suki prisoner. This wastes all their time and they leave. Outside they see the Fire Nation Air Fleet heading for the beach, they decide to retreat ,but are stopped when the subs are destroyed.
The Invasion force decides to surrender while Aang, Toph, Sokka, Katara, Haru, The Duke and Teo all escape on Appa. They head for the Western Air Temple. They are followed by Zuko.
The Western Air Temple
When the now bigger Team Avatar arrives at the Western air Temple it is Toph with her Earthbending who first "sees" the amazing architecture of the Temple. When Zuko arrives and asks to join their group it is only Toph who actually sees that they need Zuko to teach Aang Firebending, as her friends are blinded by all the bad things Zuko did in the past.
[caption id="attachment_2259" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph attempts to get her friends to see past their dislike of Zuko and see the bigger picture."]
She later storms off to go and see Zuko, but by accident she sneaks up on him, surprising him, he then Firebends to protect himself Burning Tophs Feet, realizing his mistake he attempts o help Toph, But she crawls away. When she returns to her friends she reveals she was burned by Accident, but her friends still angry at Zuko plan to capture him, as they go to leave Combustion Man attacks.
[caption id="attachment_2260" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph after being accidentally being burned by Zuko."]
Zuko arrives and tries to call off Combustion Man, but is nearly knocked off the mountain. Sokka eventually defeats him by hitting his third eye with his Boomeraang ,Blocking his chi, he goes to attack and blows himself up. The group seeing how Zuko tried to save them accept him into the group. Toph is looking forward to getting him back for burning her.
When Zuko loses his ability to Firebend, Toph suggests learning from the original Source just as she learned from the BadgerMoles , she turns out to be correct as Zuko and Aang find the Dragons Ran and Shao and learn the True way of Firebending.
[caption id="attachment_2261" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph tells Zuko about bonding with the BadgerMoles as they are both Blind, She learns Earthbending from them. Not just as a martial art but also as an extension of her senses."]
When Team Avatar are attacked by Azula's air fleet, Toph helps Haru, The Duke, Teo, Chit Sang and Hakoda escape through the tunnel as Herself, Aang, Sokka, Suki, Katara and Zuko escape on Appa.
To the Play
When Team Avatar go to see a play about them called "The Boy in the Iceberg" performed by The Ember Island Podcasters, Toph joins them despite her blindness. While everyone else hates their portrayals, to which Toph mocks her friends about, Toph's actor is a Huge strong man who thinks she sees by emiting Sonic Screams from her mouth, Toph loves the choice for the role.
[caption id="attachment_2266" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Actor Toph uses "her" Sonic Scream to get a good look at her new friends."]
During the intermission Zuko Tells Toph that this play is showing back every bad choice he has ever made,and he feels ashamed especially about betraying Irog in Ba Sing Se, Toph comforts him saying he has found his way now, which is what his uncle always wanted. After the Play Toph agrees that is was a terrible show after the distressing ending of Team Avatar losing the Final fight.
The Battle for the World
Team Avatar is relaxing at Zuko's families beach house and Zuko gets annoyed that they are not preparing for the upcoming battle, Zuko informs everyone of Ozai's plan to burn down the Entire Earth Kingdom to finally win the War, this gets the group going. They practice for the battle with Toph taking the role of Ozai's forces, she gets into it calling herself "MELON LORD" " and nearly squishes Sokka. Afterwards they find Aang has gone missing, they think he has run away because of the pressure on him to Kill Ozai.
[caption id="attachment_2267" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph gets a bit too into her role as Ozai's forces, she becomes "Melon Lord""]
Toph searches with Zuko ,wanting to go on a "field trip" with him like her friends. Sadly it is not what she expected as Zuko is not interested in her past. With the help of Jun and Nyla , they find the only other person who can hepl them, Iroh. He tells everyone their roles in the coming battle, he and the Order Of The White Lotus will take back Ba Sing Se, Zuko and Katara will take down Azula and Sokka, Suki and Toph will deal with Ozai's Air fleet.
They use Eel hounds to reach the Airship Base, Toph uses Earthbending to get them aboard the nearest Airship. She then uses some advanced Metalbending to defeat the crew of Comet enhanced Firebenders and take control of the Airship. Sokka pilots the ship into the others destroying most but not all, unfortunately Suki is separated during the impact. Toph then Metalbends the rudder of the Airship they landed on and destroy more ships. This alerts Firebenders to their presence and they are knocked off the side of the Airship, Sokka uses his sword to slow the fall but breaks his leg on landing, Sokka injured and lying on a small platform over the edge of the Airship is holding on to Toph with one hand as she hangs over the ground below. Two Firebenders appear on either side and Sokka hits one with his boomeraang and the other he throws his sword, cutting off the platfor he is standing on, His grip on Toph slips and she is about to fall when Suki appears controlling the Airship she landed on and crashes into the Airship destroying the remaining " Airships.
[caption id="attachment_2268" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="It looks like the end for Sokka and Toph."]
Having defeated the Air Fleet, they join up with Aang who has defeated Ozai by taking away his Bending using Energybending, Toph and Sokka mock Ozai as he lies on the ground defeated.
After the War
During Zuko's coronation she Hugs The Duke(unusual for her to hug someone she is not close friends with, could be the ship THE DOPH). She joins Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Mai and Iroh in the Jasmin Dragon to celebrate their victory. When Sokka paints a picture of the new and improved Team Avatar Toph says that everyone looks perfect to her, everyone laughs at Toph's Blind Joke.
[caption id="attachment_2269" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toph relaxes after helping bring peace to the world."]
Toph Information and Quotes
Name: Toph Bei Fong
Race: Earth Kindom
Age: 12
Short Description:
Toph is a blind Earthbender, but she doesn't let her disability control her, she is actually the most powerful Earthbender in the World.She is Tough and sarcastic and a bit of a tomboy, She is also fiercely independent and Hates to be told what to do.
Primary Tools: Earthbending, to help her to see.
Well Known Aang Quotes:
"I am the greatest earthbender in the world, and don't you dunderheads ever forget it!"
"I'd now your little girly fottsteps anywhere twinkletoes."
"YEAH!! Lets break some rules!"

- Toph is the only character given a second name
- Toph is given 2 different nicknames in the series "The Blind Bandit" and "The Runaway"
- Toph was originally going to be a Blind Boy, but the creators decided to make her a Girl but keep the Tough Guy personality
- Toph's Voice actor Jessie Flower voiced Meng in Book 1 episode 14 The FortuneTeller ,the creators liked her so much they gave her the part of Toph
- Toph invented Metalbending
- Toph is one of 3 people to learn Earthbending from The Badgermoles, the other 2 are Oma and Shu
- Toph has the last line of the whole series" " "Well, I think you all look perfect!"