Out of nowhere we have big piece of news. Over 6 months before the book is due to come out on September 23rd we have a 12 page preview for Smoke and Shadow Part 1, the first part of the upcoming Avatar comic trilogy.
As far as a source for this preview, I am not 100% sure of the details, but Dark Horse somewhere have released these 12 page Smoke and Shadow Preview comics to hype up the upcoming release. A tumblr user, Terrible-Wander has scanned them for us.

Overall I am super impressed with what I am seeing so far, a lot of stuff clearly set up in just these 12 opening pages. Who or what is the Kemurikage (Which translated into english literally means Smoke Shadow, potentially explaining the name of the comic and so on. We get the names of Mai's parents revealed to us as Ukano and Michi.