Hello, Airspeed Prime here, as many of you may know a few months ago Dark Horse Comics released a collection of Avatar The Last Airbender comics called The Lost Adventures, I reviewed it
Avatar The Last Airbender: The Lost Adventures received rave reviews from tons of Avatar fans, most said it was almost like watching episodes from the show again!
[caption id="attachment_3399" align="aligncenter" width="420"]

Dark Horse Comics (the people who brought us Avatar: The Art of the Animated Series)[/caption]
In early 2012 they will be releasing some Avatar Graphic novels set after the events of Book 3, which will explore how Aang and friends help to rebuild the world ravaged by 100 years of war and may reveal the fate of Ursa (hinted at by Mike and Bryan). Back to The Lost Adventures, some of you may not have this book because either no where near you sells it, you can't order online, or just don't have the money. So this post will give you detailed Synopses of each and every story from The Lost Adventures. This way Avatar fans don't miss out on additional story and learn some extra Avatar knowledge.
I will do the stories in order and attempt to tell you where they take place (between what episodes) and a detailed summary. So here we go, WARNING THERE WILL BE SPOILERS
Book 1: Water
Bee calm
Written By: Joshua Hamilton and John O'Brien
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Hye Jung Kim
Letters By: Clem Robins
Location: Earth Kingdom Forest
Takes Place: I assume just before The Winter Solstice Part 1 The Spirit world
Aang, Katara, Sokka, Momo and Appa are lost in a forest in the Earth Kingdom, they are worried there are Fire Nation soldiers nearby and want to stay hidden from them. A Scorpion Bee lands on Aang's nose, Sokka is a bit scared but Aang is calm because he is the Avatar and has a connection to animals. Aang says that if he is calm he will be ok, just as loads more come and cover Aang's body head to toe. He starts to get worried, Momo sees Aang covered in bees and thinks it is a monster and shrieks, thinking the bees are going to sting him, Aang Airbends them off him and Air Scooters away with the bees in chase. Sokka tells Aang to head for some smoke off in the distance as smoke makes the bees tired, Aang does just that and is relived the bees are off him. He turns around and is faced by a lone Fire Nation soldier pointing a sword at him, a single Scorpion Bee left on Aang jumps onto the soldiers face, the soldier is in panic as Aang runs off telling the soldier that he will be fine if he doesn't bother it.
Water War
Written By: Tim Hendrick
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Hye Jung Kim
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Earth Kingdom Market
Takes Place: A guess , after the above story but before Winter Solstice Part 1
Katara is looking around in an Earth Kingdom Market for some fruit, she spots 2 young boys harassing passer by's from an upstairs window by throwing Water bombs on people. She comes up with a plan to get them back and teach them a lesson, She walks under the the window whistling innocently to herself but waiting for the bomb to be thrown. Both boys throw a bomb towards her and are shocked when she stops them and then waterbends them into the room where the boys are, they dodge the bombs, but Katara is not finished yet as she goes to a nearby barrel of water and forms a sphere of water and floats it up to just outside the window. The boys thinking it is safe walk toward the window and realise they are going to get soaked as Katara soaks them using the water sphere. The villagers cheer Katara, Katara laughs to herself and says "Only a Moron challenges a waterbender to a water war ...." as Sokka stands behind her prepared to launch a water bomb at her head.
Don't Blow It!
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Elsa Garagarza
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Earth Kingdom forest
Takes Place: Early in the groups journey, so I presume some time close to Imprisoned or possibly the same forest as Bee Calm
Unusually Aang sleeps in, when he wakes up he reveals he has a cold, he sneezes and flies high into the Air through Airbending, knocking over the breakfast Katara was Making onto Sokka. They then continue to head for the Northern Water Tribe, with Sokka warning them to watch out for Fire Nation scouts especially because Aang's sneezing will get them spotted easily. Katara wants to give Aang a water tribe cold treatment but Aang insists he is fine, he then sneezes propelling himself off Appa, luckily Sokka had thought ahead and used a rope to tie Aang to Appa's saddle. They land to make camp and Katara tells Aang that a paste of " blubber and pepper berries rubbed on the chest will really help, Aang again insist he will be fine as the Monks just let these things run their course. He then violently sneezes sending him really high into the Air alerting a scouting squad of Fire Nation soldiers on Komodo Rhino's,who immediately open Fire. Aang lands and the group heads off on Appa, Aang not wanting to admit he need some treatment wonders how they were found only to get some harsh stares from Sokka and Katara. Later they tie Aang to a rock and cover him in the cure, Sokka jokes about it and how he never gets a cold and then sneezes himself.
Relics was one of the two comics included in the Free Comic book day comic, so you can read the full story here
Fruit Stand " Freestyle
Story, Art and Colours by " Brian Ralph
Location: Earth Kingdom Market
Takes Place: I assume this is the same market as in Water War
At night a hungry Momo scours the Earth Kingdom Market for some fruit, he comes across a fruit Stand, but it is guarded by the owners pet Boarcupine. He sneaks over to a pile of fruit and as he grabs one he is attacked by the Boarcupine. Momo gets into the wheeled wagon holding the fruit " and it rolls down a hill, the boar gives chase, the wagon goes off a piece of wood like a ramp and Momo thinks he is free. Suddenly his tail is bitten by the boar and the two fly through the air, Momo's tail catches on a wooden beam " and the two " are let hanging from the beam, Momo by his tail and the Boar hanging on to Momo's tail. A single fruit drops into Momo's hand and he eats it while hanging upside down.
Book 2: Earth
Written By: Joshua Hamilton
Art By: Joachim Dos Santos
Colours By: Hye Jung Kim
Letters By: Clem Robins
Location: Earth Kingdom Forest
Takes Place: After Bitter Work as Aang can Earthbend but before The Library
Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka, Momo and Appa are asleep in the middle of a forest in the Earth Kingdom, Aang is dreaming of riding a Flying Fish-Opotamus, and is bending in his sleep. He earthbends waking up his friends who think they are under attack, he then begins to Airbend nearly sending his friends flying, they try to wake him up but his bending is becoming more powerful as he dreams he is in a Waterbending rodeo on his Fish-Opotamus. Sokka tries to wake him up using his Boomerang but the Airbending sends it backwards hitting Katara and making her Waterwhip hit Toph instead. Aang's Earthbending goes out of control and the power eventually causes a Rock slide on a nearby mountain, Toph, Katara and Sokka run for their lives and make it to safety as a tiny rock hits Aang on the head waking him up, he says "You won't believe the awesome Dream I had" not knowing he was bending in his sleep.
Written By: Johane Matte
Art By: Johane Matte
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Earth Kingdom Forest
Takes Place: After Bitter Work before The Library
Toph and Aang do some Earthbending Training, Toph want to Teach Aang how to listen to the Earth and they need quite for that she tells this specifically to Sokka, he goes off saying he will keep out of their way. She wants to teach Aang how to hear the smallest creature burrowing underground, and to feel the roots growing and any shift in the rocks. Meanwhile Sokka can only think about food and sees that Momo has found a big unusual fruit, he tells Momo that the fruit is a bit too big for a little lemur and goes to grab it, Momo runs off with the fruit and Sokka pursues. Toph wants Aang to forget about surrounding noises and focus on the ground, as Aang tries to do this Toph can only hear and feel Sokka stomping and Shouting around after the fruit, then Appa gets the fruit and Sokka shouts again. This causes Toph to snap, forming a giant Earth Pillar under Sokka and suspending him on it high in the Air. That was during the day, at night Sokka is still up on the pillar and asks to be let down since Aang's lesson is finished, Toph replies "No,
Your lesson isn't over yet."
Sokka The Avatar
Written By: Joshua Hamilton
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Sno Cone Studios
Letters By: Clem Robins
Location: Earth Kingdom town
Takes Place: After The Blind Bandit, Before The Library
Team Avatar takes a short break from travelling to look around an Earth Kingdom town, Toph and Katara go off to " get some Deep Fried Pickled Radishes " and Sokka and Aang have a look in a fake Animal pelt shop. They try on some stuff and Sokka comments on how a hat looks Fabulous on him, a nearby Earth Kingdom Girl also trying something on think the comment was directed towards her. Sokka seeing a chance with this girl tries another compliment " and asks her out, she throws the fox scarf at him and walks off offended. He runs after her and says he is a hero and he travels around saving people, she tells him to travel to another town. He then asks if she has heard of the Avatar, the girl jumps to the conclusion that Sokka is the Avatar, Sokka starts to say no when Aang jumps into help his friend by saying Sokka is the Avatar. The girl asks to see some Airbending, Sokka now super confident says he will make a Giant Hurricane, Aang whispers to Sokka that he can't actually make a hurricane, Sokka announces that he will instead " make a small funnel of wind, Aang hides and forms a small funnel in Sokka's hand and then Airbends the girl into Sokka's arms. He asks her out again and she says yes, wanting to tell everyone her boyfriend is the Avatar.
Meanwhile The Rough Rhino's plan, they know the Avatar has been spotted in the town and head there. The girl brings Sokka and Aang to meet her family, they are also excited to see the Avatar, they ask who Aang is and Sokka says he is his servant, Aang is now beginning to regret going along with this. Aang is then sent to clean the house. Sokka sees that this could fall apart so easily and asks that no one else be told, but when they walk outside everyone in the town knows and wants the Avatar's advice. Sokka asks Aang what to do, but Aang " now a servant doesn't want to help Sokka. He give a man some good advice and suddenly he thinks he can do it alone, soon Katara and Toph arrive confused as to why everyone thinks Sokka is the Avatar. They go to set things straight, Sokka sees what they are going to do and they all have a private conversation where Sokka reveals that he did this to impress the girl and needs all their help. The crowd asks to see some bending, and a cocky Sokka agrees and signals Katara for some Waterbending, Katara " gets ready not to help Sokka show off but to teach him a lesson, she smacks him in the head with a water " whip and Toph catches on to what Katara is doing and they start to humiliate Sokka, the crowd thinks it is just unusual bending and cheer. Just then the Rough Rhino's arrive and KahChi captures Sokka thinking he is The Avatar, Aang , Katara and Toph rush to save Sokka. The fight is even until the friends do a combined attack using the 3 elements and defeat them, Katara and Toph think that now everyone realises that Sokka is not the Avatar, Sokka has learned his lesson as the Girl kisses Sokka on the cheek. She thinks that Sokka is the Avatar and that he let his sidekicks pretend to bend and save the day, she wonders how Sokka did the bending from inside the sack he was in. Sokka once again goes along with it ignoring his friends and becoming cocky again, he walks off with the girl as Aang, Katara and Top prepare to expose him.
Dirty Is Only Skin Deep
This was the other of the two comics included in the Free Comic book day comic, so you can read the full story here
Divided We Fall
Written By: Frank Pittarese
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Hye Jung Kim and Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Grandma Lokai's Orphanage and surrounding Forest and Lake, Possibly the outskirts of The Swamp.
Takes Place: After The Blind Bandit, Before The Library
Team Avatar are on Appa flying over a forest on their way to Hiroku Canyon in lashing rain and high winds. The storm came on suddenly, Aang is doing his best to contain the winds with Airbending but it is really strong. They consider making a landing but the trees are too thick to land, just then Aang spots a tower off in the distance and heads toward it. Momo is thrown off Appa by a gust of wind but is saved by a great catch from Toph, Aang gets distracted by Katara (KATAANG <3) and doesn't notice two tornado's approaching them, they are hit and are all sent flying off. Aang saves himself using the Air Scooter and his glider but is separated from his friends. He lands in the forest and has no idea where he is, he is soon attacked by a Viper Bat, it lunges at him but smashes into a tree as Aang dodges knocking itself out, then " even more Viper Bats attack. He defends using Airbending and rushes to find a place to hide, he spots a cave but quickly realises that that is the cave where the bats live, he earthbends himself a cave to wait until they pass by. When they pass by the storm has ended and Aang can see the Tower in the distance and heads towards it. Unbeknownst to Aang he is being watched by someone who is friendly with the Viper bats who says "OTHERRSS...".
Katara and Sokka also crash in the forest together, but they are surrounded by these unknown people. The people turn out to be a group of kids, who are angry that they smashed Juno's hut during the fall, the kids have taken Sokka's club and Boomerang and want their money, Katara suggests they get their stuff back and they move on. One of the kids pokes Sokka in the arm and it really hurts him, they both realise that Sokka has broken his arm in the fall, Katara tries to protect her brother and is grabbed by one of the other kids who demands they give them all their stuff. Katara whispers to Sokka an escape plan, Katara waterbends, this distraction allows them to escape, they reach the river and the kids realise that they are in trouble against a Waterbender. The kids are forced to reluctantly give back the stuff they took, the kids are still angry and call Katara and Sokka freaks, Katara soaks them with waterbending. With the kids gone, Katara heals Sokka's broken arm and they decide to head to the tower, they just need to climb up the mountain to the reach the Tower.
Toph and Momo also crashed in the forest but managed to make it to the tower first, but when she entered the tower there was only an old lady there who dressed Toph up as a princess and put a cape on Momo, Toph is not enjoying her time as a princess at all as the old lady is making a fuss over her. Sokka and Katara have nearly reached the tower when they hear a rumble, an Earthbender who can only speak very basically earthbends himself and them up the mountain. Toph tries to get away from the kind old lady when the wall breaks down and the Earthbender tells the old lady that there are "OTHERS", Toph and Momo are reunited with Katara and Sokka. Sokka makes fun of Toph's outfit as the old lady only sees Sokka as a chance to dress up a prince. The Earthbender says "NOT LEAVE EVER! YOU STAY....WITH ME...WITH GRANNY" just as Aang arrives ready to battle, he doesn't know they are in no danger and attacks the Earthbender who is protecting them from Aang. Katara stops them with waterbending and finds a picture revealing the tower to be Grandma Lokai's Earth Orphanage and all the kids they all met are part of the orphanage. The Earthbender's name is Onku, and Granny Lokai reveals that she treats every child in her orphanage like a prince or princess and that because of the war no new children come. " She knows they have to leave and everyone apologises for the misunderstanding, Aang says they have to leave and find Appa, but Toph quickly reveals that he is just outside, they walk outside to find Appa wearing a crown, Onku asks them to stay the night and Sokka agrees. Granny Lokai brings them all Beetle Worm soup, none of them are happy to see it.
Reach For The Toph
Written By: J. Torres
Art By: Corey Lewis
Colours By: Corey Lewis
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Rocky Area in the Earth Kingdom
Takes Place: I assume just after Bitter Work
Team Avatar are playing a game of King of The Kill, Toph is the current King. Aang approaches and tries to use Airbending to knock her off, she stands strong and forms a giant hand out of rock and grabs Aang before throwing him out of the way. Katara then tries her luck to avenge Aang, she creates a small tidal wave of water and sends it towards Toph, Toph quickly creates an Earth Shield and bends herself underground. Katara has no Idea where Toph has gone, Toph forms the Hill behind Katara and then uses the soaked earth to Trap Katara and sink her into the ground with quicksand, Toph then narrowly avoids Sokka's boomerang. Sokka then charges at Toph Club drawn, Toph simply rolls a rock under Sokka foot as it comes down, tripping him up. Her friends admit she is the King Of the Hill, Toph is delighted and says "Make that QUEEN of the Kill"
It's Only Natural
Written By: Johane Matte and Joshua Hamilton
Art By: Johane Matte
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Chameleon Bay
Takes Place: After the Fall Of Ba Sing Se, Aang is still unconscious, when they link up with Hakoda and the other Water Tribe men.
In Chameleon Bay, Team Avatar and the Water Tribe men are camping out around a fire. Toph and Sokka are talking about how much Earth King Kuei spoils his Regular Bear, Bosco, feeding him with chopsticks. Toph decides to go to bed and they go off to their tents, Sokka enters his tent to find Bosco asleep inside, Sokka furious asks Kuei why this is so, Kuei " says that Bosco is not used to sleeping without a roof and likes comfy bedding. So Sokka has to sleep next to Bosco. The next morning Sokka finds Kuei telling Bosco about hibernation, Sokka wonders why he is doing this, Kuei says he is teaching Bosco how to survive in the wild like a real bear. Sokka grabs the book rips it up and declares that he will teach Bosco how to be a real bear, Kuei is excited but Bosco is not.
The first lesson Sokka says is to learn how to find food, he brings them to a tree with a bee hive in the branches. He tells Bosco to climb the tree, Kuei wonders where Natures Ladder is, Sokka grabs Bosco's paw and declares the claws as natures ladder just as he notices the claws are manicured. Sokka tries to get Bosco climbing, but he is not interested, Sokka tries to boost him up but Bosco is too heavy. Kuei suggest another source of food, Sokka decides that is fish. They get to the water and Kuei gives Bosco a fishing rod, Sokka becoming mad tells them that Bosco must use his paws to catch the fish and goes to demonstrate. He thrashes around in the water and falls over, Kuei and Bosco just watch on not liking the idea, Sokka get out of the water covered in seaweed and fish, another failed lesson.
Sokka decides finding shelter is the next lesson, he spots a cave and goes over to check it out only to be chased off by Boarcupines, Kuei notes they should make sure any cave is unoccupied first. Sokka tries to get Bosco to roar to show how threatening he can be, he tells him to be ferocious, but instead Bosco just starts whistling to Kuei's delight. Self Defence is the next lesson, Sokka pretends to be an angry Hog Monkey and wants Bosco to strike back when he hits him, Sokka punches Bosco full force in the chest, Bosco falls over and plays dead. Sokka thinks all the training has been a waste and that Bosco learned nothing, Kuei says that he learned something that there are so many thing he doesn't know about the world, and that he can't be a good king with such limited knowledge he compares his situation to Bosco who does not know how to be a real bear. Kuei then reveals he has decided to travel the world as a normal man with Bosco and they will learn together, they head off now wearing regular clothes thanking Sokka. Sokka can't believe they are heading alone after the failure of their training. Sokka puts on Kuei's discarded King Hat and asks Toph if "King Sokka" Sounds good, Tops says she is not calling him that.
Going Home Again
Written By: Aaron Ehasz, May Chan, Katie Mattila and Alison Wilgus
Art By: Amy Kim Ganter
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Ba Sing Se
Takes Place: Directly After Crossroads of Destiny
In a prison in Ba Sing Se two guards " are talking about Iroh being the prisoner, they say he was a great man and leader, Zuko overhears this and snaps at them that Iroh is a traitor (Iroh can hear this from his cell) and firebends at them before ordering them back to work, he seems confused about his actions. In the Throne Room in the palace in Ba Sing Se, Zuko walks in and Azula greets him telling him that they will be returning to the Fire Nation Tomorrow, Zuko asks why as the new leader of Ba Sing Se she would leave, " she says she has found a perfect replacement, Joo Dee. Azula has made Joo Dee the Supreme Bureaucratic Administrator of Ba Sing Se and she will execute the Fire Lords wishes without question. Azula wants to personally escort Iroh back home to prison, Zuko doesn't want to go home and Azula says to him now that the Avatar is defeated their father will welcome him home, but Zuko storms off adamant that he is not going home. Azula knowing something is up, thinking the Avatar may still be alive needs Zuko as her fall guy so she comes up with a plan to get him to come with them, she goes to Ty Lee for help.
Azula tells Ty Lee that they are going to use Mai and Zuko's childhood crushes on each other to their advantage, they want to get them together so Zuko won't want to stay while Mai leaves, Ty Lee is excited. Azula recruits some Dai Li agents and they and Ty Lee set up a fancy night time meal for Mai and Zuko, both of whom were told that Admiral Liang wanted dinner with everyone. The two arrive and have a feeling that something is up but decide not to let the food go to waste, they eat and then a Dai Li agent comes in playing bad romantic music, annoying the two teens. Saddened the agent walks off dejected, as Azula and Ty Lee watch their friends awkward dinner from the bushes giggling to themselves and alerting Mai and Ty Lee to their presence. " Zuko is furious, but Azula tries to talk her way out of it saying Ty Lee was just messing in the bushes, Mai and Zuko decide to go off together away from their friends. They walk through the market and are talking until Jin appears calling out Zuko's fake name, Lee, Zuko not wanting Jin to get the wrong idea tells her that Mai is his friend from the circus, the knife thrower, Mai sees that Zuko had met this girl before and plays along, she offers to demonstrate her skills to Jin by spearing a fish on Zuko's head with an Icicle, which she does perfectly. Then wanting to get back at Zuko for lying to Jin, she asks if Jin wants to " try and hit the fish on Zuko's head, Zuko is shocked and scared as Mai hands Jin an Icicle. Jin launches it at Zuko and Zuko barely dodges in time as the Icicle hits where Zuko's face had just been, his dodge caused him to fall into the Water, Mai says they are even as an embarrassed Jin walks off. Zuko is furious that Mai nearly got him killed, but Mai is busy laughing, Zuko notes that she is enjoying herself and that he missed this fun side of her, Mai says that some things have changed but not everything as the two kiss for the first time.
Zuko and Mai are now a couple and they walk towards the ship home arms linked, Azula and Ty Lee notice they are together too. Mai asks Zuko "So....are you coming with us ? with
me?", but Zuko is still unsure as Azula appears beside them and mentions Iroh as he is being brought in chains aboard the ship, she wonders if Iroh will survive the trip home and tells him to say goodbye to his girlfriend. He then reveals he is coming with them back to the Fire Nation, Azula smiles as they board the ship her plan to get Zuko home a success.
The Bridge
Written By; Joshua Hamilton, Tim Hendrick, Aaron Ehasz and Frank Pittarese
Art By: Reagan Lodge
Colours By: Reagan Lodge
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Chameleon Bay, Captured Fire Nation ship as seen in The Awakening
Takes Place: Just before It's Only Natural, after that and leading into The Awakening
Katara narrates this story through Diary entries
Katara sits in a room in one of the Water Tribe boats writing in her Diary, She explains that after the fall of Ba Sing Se they met up with her Father and his men in Chameleon Bay, but their ships are damaged and the Fire Nation will soon find them. She returns to healing a still unconscious Aang, she wonders why he won't awaken despite her healing abilities, she is losing faith in her self and in the hope that things will change. She talks about how King Kuei is so happy despite the fall of his kingdom and how he soon left to travel the world, she recalls how they found The Duke and Pipsqeak trying to steal from their ships. Sokka and Hakoda are discussing plans, Sokka is adamant not to waste their time in Ba Sing Se and continue with the invasion plan, but Hakoda is worried that without the Earth Kingdom support there is no hope, Sokka is driven not to give up and Hakoda notes that Sokka has become a true warrior.
A Fire Nation Scout ship was approaching and they knew that more would soon follow, so Sokka comes up with the plan to take the Scout ship, it was risky. They sank all their ships letting the Fire Nation think they had been defeated and headed for shore in Canoes. They camp out for the night, but Katara is not speaking to her father (Explained in The Awakening). The scout ship soon discovers the remains of the Water Tribe ships and send out a messanger hawk to send out the word that the Water Tribe fleet is gone, the crew then begin to relax, most of them sleeping on Deck out of armour. That night Sokka's plan is put into action, they sneak onto the ship, Katara is annoyed about having to come as she wanted to stay with Aang, Toph Assures Katara that if they pull the plan off Aang will have an even safer place to recover. They see that a lot of the crew are not alert and out of uniform and think it is going to be easy just as more of the crew appear, Team Avatar quickly defeat the crew and take control of the ship, Sokka takes great joy in the successful Boatnapping. With only a single ship they left most of the Water Tribe fleet behind, and took the crews clothes to complete their disguise.
They then headed for the Serpents Pass " so they could cut across the Earth Kingdom and head for the Fire Nation, but they encountered a giant " Fire Nation Barricade blocking the pass, they would have to test out their new disguise. Hakoda decided he would deal with this, so they slowly approached the gate through and soon a guard asked where they were going. Hakoda staying calm said that the Water Tribe fleet had been destroyed and that they needed to meet up with the rest of the Fire Navy fleet, the disguise was a success and they sail through, but not before the guard tells them that they probably wont be needed as the War is almost over with the death of the Avatar in Ba Sing Se. Katara takes this news badly as she knows Aang is still unconscious, Sokka thinks this is good news as they think Aang is dead and now they will have a surprise. Katara sits in a room on the Fire Nation ship writing in her Diary "But if we got through the last few days, we can get through anything. We just have to keep on fighting.... and be confident that soon.... The Avatar will return", it ends with Katara healing Aang in the very room he will wake up in in 301.
Book 3: Fire
Private Fire
Written By: Joshua Hamilton
Art By: Johane Matte
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Fire Nation Town, Near a Fire Nation Boot Camp
Takes Place: After The Head Band and Before Sokka's Master (Sokka does not have his Sword), probably before the Painted Lady
Sokka is complaining about how Aang didn't learn anything useful about the Fire Nation during his time in School, Aang says he learned the Oath but cannot remember it when asked to say it. Sokka wants to get more information, Aang suggests they dress up as reporters and interview the Locals, but that idea is quickly shot down. Sokka decides they are going to observe the people's everyday lives and learn from that, they go to a nearby market to do some observation. Sokka suspicious as ever thinks every ordinary thing is something evil, like thinking a Kiln is a torture chamber, spying on a woman hanging out clothes to dry, a man eating noodles. They are about to give up when Sokka spots a flyer on the ground and knows how to get some info on the Fire Nation, the flyer is to recruit new people for the Fire Nation Army and Sokka wants to join. His friends think it is a terrible idea, but Sokka won't listen he thinks it will be easy, Toph wonders if they will even accept him as a recruit, minutes later Sokka is signed up much to his friends disgust. Sokka used his Wang Fire name and Beard-Mustache combo to look older and allow him to sign up.
Sokka now Private Wang Fire is in Fire Nation Boot Camp, The Drill Sergeant takes an immediate disliking to Sokka. The first thing is for the recruits to learn how to ride a Komodo Rhino and Sokka is first up, he mounts up and asks the beast to be gentle just as it takes off, only the reigns keeping Sokka off the ground, the Drill Sergeant is not impressed with Sokka. Next the recruits are given their Fire Nation Uniforms, the uniform is way to big on Sokka and Sokka trips tearing off the Drill Sergeants war medals in the process, Sokka's punishment is that he has to carry a Cow-Pig while running away from the Sergeant on a Komodo Rhino then he has to do 20 push ups with the Cow-Pig on his back and then clean the stalls. It takes Sokka all night, he is still cleaning out the stalls when he overhears to Soldiers talking, they say that the new recruits barely have any training and are going to be shipped out to the Frontline tomorrow, Sokka is worried and needs to find a way to get out of this mess. The Cow-Pig has become Sokka's friend and wants to come too, but Sokka must reluctantly leave him behind. He manages to sneak out of boot camp and return to the cave where his friends are hiding out.
The Next morning in the Boot camp the recruits are woken up by the Drill Sergeant, he wants to know where Private Wang Fire is but none of them know. He orders them to search the camp for him. After a full search they have not found him, the sergeant is now considering Sokka a deserter and a criminal and is going to bring him back to face justice. They move out of the base to search. Meanwhile Sokka has made it back to the cave, and tell them they need to move, none of them are surprised to see that Sokka's plan has backfired, they begin to pack as Sokka goes to keep lookout. He exits the cave only to be faced by the Sergeant and a whole squad of soldiers, Sokka is tied up and taken away, he tries to get out of it by saying that he discovered Earth and Waterbenders in that cave, but they don't believe him. Aang, Katara, Toph, Momo and Appa all make lots of noise and bend, the troops now believe Sokka and are scared, Private Wang Fire seeing this as his chance to escape decides to take the benders on himself and charges into the Cave alone, the other soldiers note his bravery. In the cave Katara tells Toph to make them an Exit while Aang and Sokka pretend to fight. The Drill Sergeant and soldiers outside watch on in horror as there is a cave in, they believe Private Wang Fire to be Killed In Action. Team Avatar escape as Sokka laments the death of his alter ego Wang Fire. The Drill Sergeant asks for a moment of Silence for Private Wang Fire, he says "I will personally see to it that his memory lives on", the final panel is a shrine dedicated to one of the bravest soldiers ever to live, Private Wang Fire. RIP
Night Animals
Written By: Katie Mattila
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Fire Nation forest
Takes Place: Before Sokka's Master
Team Avatar are asleep in a clearing in a fire nation forest. Momo wakes up Appa and leads him to something. It is 2 Fire Nation Soldiers patrolling the Forest, they heard something (Team Avatar) and think it may be the dreaded Tree-Whale, Momo grabs some branches with Fruit on them and rustles them as Appa leaps out of the bushes roaring, scaring the living daylights out of the soldiers who run off screaming. Momo collects the fallen Magoes and they return to sleep. " The next morning Sokka wakes up to find Aang, Katara and Toph eating Mangoes, they thank him for getting them, but Sokka has no clue where they came from, he sees that Appa and Momo are still asleep and shouts at them to get up and stop being Lazy.
Boys' Day Out
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Gurihiru
Colours By: Gurihiru
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Shady Fire Nation Restaurant
Takes Place: Could be before Sokka's Master as Sokka is not seen with his Sword, but could also be after The Runaway as Toph and Katara are nice to each other.
Team Avatar is camping out on a hill, Katara is getting annoyed that they are not going into the nearby Town and just sitting up on this hill, Sokka is busy with maps and Aang is meditating, so she turns to Toph who is lying down on the ground relaxing. Toph is reluctant to go into town with Katara after the visit to the Spa in Ba Sing Se, Katara asks if she would come if they went somewhere more tough where there will be steak, Toph agrees instantly. They come to what looks like a very rough Fire Nation Restaurant , they ask for a table for two but the owner says that little girls are not allowed in. Toph is furious that she will not be getting her steak just because she is a girl, Katara comes up with a plan to get in, they will become Boys for the day.
The owner without hesitation lets the two "boys" in, Toph is shocked that Katara came up with this idea but knows she needs to work on her toughness, Toph tells Katara not to let people push her around just as she accidentally walks into a large man, he snaps at her "HEY, watch where your going, shrimp!" then Katara using Toph's advice squares up to the man angrily and he backs down. Katara grows overconfident with her toughness and loses sight of why they came her for food, she spots a mechanical Bull and immediately goes to see how long she can last on it, Toph sees that Katara is getting a bit out of control. Katara doesn't hold on with two hands and is thrown from the bull straight into a man who says"Watch it, Kid!", Katara again seems to be looking for a fight and the whole bar starts to get mad at Katara, Toph knowing better grabs Katara and drags her out of the bar before she gets hurt. They return hungry to the camp, and Sokka and Aang wonder why they are dressed the way they are. Later they are seen in mudbaths eating sandwiches, Toph notes that being girly isn't so bad.
Ember Island Arcade
Story, Art and Colours by Corey Lewis
Letters by: Comicraft
Location: Ember Island Arcade
Takes Place: Sometime either just before or just after The Beach
The 4 Fire Nation teens go to the Ember Island Arcade, Zuko wins a ball throwing game he wins a stuffed Tiger-Monkey, he asks Mai if she would like it but Mai unimpressed as ever doesn't. Ty Lee says that Azula is waiting for them and eyes the "Cute" Tiger Monkey. Azula wants to play a game with Zuko, it is a Rock em Sock em fighting Robot game called "Street Bender" , they fight using warrior dolls based on Zuko and Aang. Mai reveals that Azula has been playing it all weekend, beating little kids. Zuko is not interested in the Kids game, until Azula reveals she will be fighting using the Aang doll, Zuko accepts and chooses to play as himself. Azula wins the first game with one hit, Zuko is furious as he doesn't even know how to play. Azula then explains some of the rules and they resume the fight first to 3 hits wins. Zuko dodges the Attack from Azula's doll and then Zuko lands a hit, 1-1. The next round Azula uses a super attack and goes up 2-1, Zuko again is incensed that she hasn't told him all the rules, she explains that by firebending into the controller you do the super attack. " The siblings each thrash talk each other before the next round, Zuko is all ready to do a powerful Super Attack, the round starts and he dodges her first attack and then Fire Bends ferociously into the controller engulfing the game in flames, destroying it. They leave as the owner discovers his destroyed game, Zuko says the game was stupid.
Monster Slayer
Written By: J. Torres
Art By: Gurihiru
Colours By: Gurihiru
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Fire Nation Village and surrounding Forest
Takes Place: Just after The Runaway and before the Invasion
Team Avatar are hiding out near a Fire Nation Village when Sokka appears in a panic, he thinks there is an Earthquake, Toph calmly tell him it is just Appa's stomachs grumbling. Aang assures Appa that they will go get him some food, Appa and Momo stay behind as the rest go to the village. They soon realise they are low on money and Toph and Sokka plan which scam they will pull, Katara remembering what happened the last time with the scams says no, Sokka decided he will sing for some money. Aang reminds Sokka of his last attempt at singing for money, he got fruit thrown forcefully at him. Just then two young kids come running into the village shouting about a monster in the forest, Aang goes to say it is just Appa, but Sokka sees this as a chance to make money, he rushed over to the crowd of people surrounding the kids and leads them to believe it is a ferocious Sky Bison this causes the villagers to freak out, Sokka prepares to unveil his plan as his friends wait for disaster. Sokka strolls up and reveals he is a Monster Slayer and says he will protect them for a price. That night the villagers follow Sokka as he hunts the beast who Sokka believes is just Appa's stomachs rumbling. He confidently walks up to the beast cloaked in shadow, but it is not Appa but an Armadillo-Bear, Sokka is scared and is about to be killed by the beast when Appa arrives and confronts the Armadillo-Bear, Appa gets the first strike in smashing the bear into a tree, it then rolls up into a protective ball. Appa is ready for this and swings his tail like a bat sending the beast off into the distance. The villagers celebrate Appa as the hero, as Katara finds a scared Sokka hiding behind a tree. The villagers give Appa loads of food and then someone's stomach rumbles, it's Sokka.
Combustion Man On A Train
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Tom McWeeney
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: A train deep in the heart of the Fire Nation
Takes Place: Sometime After The Runaway before the Invasion
Aang and Sokka have decided to go and look at the Fire Nation Trains while Katara and Toph stay with Appa and Momo, they were tired of Trains after Ba Sing Se. When it is time for people to board the Train they notice a little girl who is unsure what to do when going on a train. Aang introduces himself and finds out the girl's name is Sho and she has to go alone to see her Grandma as her mother is sick, Aang offers to accompany the girl which gets Sokka excited about the Train ride. They get on the train and as Sokka is enthralled with everything he sees on the Train, Aang tries to make Sho less nervous about being alone on the Train. He tells her a trick that Gyatso thought him for whenever he was afraid of nervous, to close your eyes and take deep breaths and imagine you are riding your favourite animal, this calms Sho down. She then asks Aang why someone would have a symbol on their forehead, Aang think she spotted his arrows but it was in fact Combustion Man how had just barged his way into their cabin after seeing them board the train. He begins to blow up the Train with his unique and destructive Fire Bending powers, Aang stands up to confront him but as he charges up another blast, Aang grabs Sho and they find cover behind some seats. The Ticket man attempts to call the engine room and stop the Train, but the engineer is not responding, Sokka decides to try and stop the Train as Aang tries to deal with Combustion Man. He tells Sho to stay out of site and remember the technique he thought her, she watches on scared as Aang jumps out of the Train, he appears outside the window and tells her to breath deeply as he brings the fight onto the roof of the Train. Sokka quickly breaks into the engine room to find the engineer unconscious, he now has to stop the train with out understanding any of the levers. As Aang battle atop the Train, Sho is the only calm person inside " the Train she teaches the other passengers the technique Aang thought her. Sokka searches furiously for the emergency break and after trying nearly every lever locates and engages it, this sudden stop causes Aang to nearly fall of the Train, he is teetering on the edge as Combustion Man approaches he then bends water from the sea into him knocking him into the sea. The engineer regains consciousness and asks what happened, Sokka says he took care of it and the engineer says he can keep the engineers hat. Sho shows Aang that she helped all the other people be calm, but wonders how she will make it to her grandma's house with the train damaged. Aang takes out his Bison whistle calling Appa and brings Sho to her Grandma.
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: The Western Air Temple
Takes Place: Just after The Boiling Rock as Sokka and Zuko seem very friendly but before The Southern Raiders
In the Western Air Temple Sokka approaches Zuko and asks him if he is up for some Swordbending, Zuko uninterested and unimpressed with Sokka's new word refuses saying he has better things to do, he insults Sokka saying that he himself is a level above Sokka and that Sokka should train with The Duke, this leaves Sokka no other choice as he " challenges Zuko to a Swordbending Kai. Once again Zuko is not interested with Sokka's made up stuff, until Sokka gives Zuko the saddest face in the world ever causing Zuko to accept out of honour, but Zuko thinks Sokka doesn't stand a chance as he learned the way of the sword from Piandao at an early age. Aang plays the Referee as the two square off, Sokka with his Black Space Sword and Zuko with his two Broadswords. It begins as the two lock swords with their friends cheering them on, Zuko dodges Sokka's clumsy lunge and takes a swipe at him, Sokka dodges but falls to the ground making Zuko the winner. Sokka wants a rematch and proceeds to lose many matches, Zuko wonders why Sokka doesn't just give up, Sokka comments that that came from the same guy who hunted the Avatar for 3 years unsuccessfully, this makes Zuko angry as Sokka attacks with a not so sneaky sneak attack, Zuko disarms Sokka in a second, as Sokka launches his Boomerang at Zuko. Zuko mad at Sokka for breaking the rules says swordbending by accident just as the boomerang comes back smashing Zuko on the back of the head, Aang give this round to Zuko as Sokka cheated, but Sokka is just happy he got Zuko to say Swordbending.
No Benders Allowed
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Elsa Garagarza
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: The Western Air Temple
Takes Place: Before The Southern Raiders after The Firebending Masters
Aang, Zuko, Katara, Toph " and Haru say bye to Sokka, The Duke and Teo as all the benders leave to practice bending so the non benders don't get hurt while they train. Sokka feels left out and dejected, Teo and The Duke are left with only one thing to do, explore the temple again. Sokka has a plan, something that the non benders of the group will enjoy and the benders wished they could join in on. The benders return that night to find a big hut constructed at the temple, an Excited Aang (and Momo) rushes over to see what it is all about, Sokka appears at the door wearing a fancy robe and Hat combo and lets "Lord Momo" in, Sokka stops Aang as he tries to enter and tell him that it is a Bend-Free establishment No benders Allowed. A rejected Aang sadly returns to the benders, Katara tells Aang not to let Sokka get to him and that Sokka is just being a baby about the benders training together. The benders begin to eat as Sokka loudly announces from inside the hut that the first meeting of the "Bendless Boomerangers Club" has begun, he says there will be snacks followed by Boomerang lessons, Aang still mad about not being let in is getting more frustrated as a cool flying plane toy whizzes by his head and as Aang is about to grab it Teo and the Duke fly past taking it back into the club, Aang feels like he is being teased by all the awesome club stuff and tells the other benders that they have to get into the club, but none of the others seem to care, Katara comforts Aang saying he will be better in the morning.
The Next morning Aang is seen on his knees begging Sokka to let him into the club, Sokka says he can make another exception as Aang walks into the club to see all his friends inside, they are all enjoying themselves. Aang thanks Sokka for letting them all join his club, Sokka says they must all recite the Boomeranger Oath
"I pledge Allegiance to my bendless brethren, and admit that no bending can equal the might of the noble Boomerang. One Team Under Hats, indivisible, with snacks and field trips for all"
as Aang, Haru and Toph happily say it, Katara and Zuko look less than pleased.
Love Is A Battlefield
Written By: J. Torres
Art By: Gurihiru
Colours By: Gurihiru
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: The Western Air Temple
Takes Place: While Zuko and Sokka are away at The Boiling Rock
Aang draws a heart with the Air and Water symbols inside in the dirt with a slick. Katara approaches, suprising Aang, she asks him what he is doing and an embarrassed Aang says nothing, hiding the stick behind his back. Katara says she has something important to say to him as she holds a ball of water behind her back, Aang thinking they are going to discuss their feelings for each other says he had wanted to talk too as Katara launches the water at Aang , Soaking him. Katara is doubled over as a mad Aang though they were going to talk, she tells him that he has to practice Firebending or he might get another water ball in the kisser. Aang only hears Kiss and remembers their Kiss on top of the sub just before the invasion, he stops day dreaming as Katara aims another water blast at him, he makes an Earth shelter. Katara says that Aang is meant to do Firebending not Earthbending, but Aang is not interested now concerned with their relationship. Katara scolds Aang saying he is meant to be preparing to fight the Fire Lord not playing "Hide-Aang-Seek", Aang throws this back at her calling her out for hiding her feelings about the kiss at the invasion, Katara tries to avoid this conversation making up excuses, Aang says she can't handle things when they get a little hot. Katara launches Ice spears at Aang's earth shelter saying that it isn't about them and they are meant to be preparing for the upcoming battle, Aang is getting mad and is not interested in practising, but Katara continues to attack his shelter asking for Fire. Aang obliges and turns his shelter into a miniature Volcano then makes it explode sending heated rock everywhere, he quickly realises that he could have hurt Katara, but she is fine taking cover behind a pillar, she was impressed with Aang's new move and still wants to practice. Aang has lost patience and walks off, Katara asks if he is afraid of burning her again, but Aang replies " Actually... I'm more worried about being the one who gets burned" as he gets rid of his heart drawing on the ground with his foot.
Dragon Days
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Johane Matte (present) and Tom McWeeney (Flashback)
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: The Western Air Temple and a mountain range in the Fire Nation
Takes Place: Shortly after The Firebending Masters
Zuko and Aang are practising Firebending, Zuko still can't believe they saw Dragons and learned from them, Aang says that 100 years ago there were lots of Dragons, but they were shy and lived up in the mountains. Aang then tells Zuko " the story of the day he and Kuzon went looking for them.
Kuzon had bought a map from a random guy in the Fire Nation, they took Appa and flew up to the nearest Mountain, they needed to be quiet so they left Appa a bit down the mountain and climbed up the last section themselves. Kuzon is excited and really wants to ride a Dragon, but Aang is more concerned with making it up the dangerous mountain first and finding them. Kuzon loses his footing and falls, but Aang stretches out his staff and Kuzon manages to catch hold, they make it up to the top of the cliff and they spot a man riding a Mountain Goat-Camel, they quickly realise that this man is a Dragon poacher he approaches the mouth of the cave as a Roar bellows out. The man rides off as a Green, Female dragon chases after him, his animal jumps down the cliff safely. Once the boys get over the excitement of seeing a dragon they notice that more poachers have entered her cave and have taken her egg. They also have a a map like Aang and Kuzon and plan to sell the egg for a high price. The boys have decided to help the dragon get her egg back from the poachers.
They get Appa to roar while Aang Airbends and Kuzon firebends, this gets the poachers to think that the mother dragon has returned already, Kuzon's fire is not very strong so Aang gives him a boost by adding some air to his fire creating a huge pillar of flames, this causes the poacher to run for their lives. Aang flies up the cliff and grabs the egg, just as the mother dragon returns holding the first poacher by the clothes in her mouth, Aang knows he is in trouble holding the egg as Kuzon starts shouting to distract the dragon. It turns knocking Aang over and sending the egg over the cliff, Aang jumps off the cliff after it as the worried dragon looks on. Aang catches the egg and uses Airbending to cushion his fall, Aang braces himself expecting pain, but the Dragon licks him grateful for saving her not yet hatched child. Kuzon asks if they can have a ride as a reward saying that would be "Flamin' hot", but the dragon is having none of it, Aang thinks it better they not push their luck.
Back with Zuko Aang notes how much things have changed, Zuko replies "Like Slang" noting that Aang got all his Fire Nation slang from Kuzon, Aang calls Zuko "Sifu Hotman" and Zuko says "Stop calling me that!"
Game Time
Written By: Katie Mattila
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Hye Jung Kim
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Ember Island
Takes Place: After The Southern Raiders, could be before or after Ember Island Players but definitely before Sozin's comet Part 1
On Ember Island, Team Avatar are board and need to do something to pass the time. Sokka is once again the man with the plan suggesting Game Time. Zuko says he hates games, but Katara knows Sokka wont give up about this until they agree, so they decide to play Hide and Seek, Sokka is the seeker. He puts on his "Sleuth Sokka" hat and monocle and begins to count as his friends including Appa and Momo hide. He immediately locates Momo with his ears sticking out of the bush, he draws Momo out using a fruit and now Sokka has a sleuth Sidekick to help him. Momo knowing Aang just points up into the Sky and they find Aang gliding, hiding in the sky. Next they locate some footprints, Katara's foot prints leading all the way to a waterfall off in the distance, it is Katara bending a pillar of water into the sky, Sokka decides to not let Katara know he found her and leave her bending. He then comes to a bush with some fallen leaves nearby as Zuko leaps out of the bush screaming, scaring Sokka and Momo, Zuko thinks the game was Hide and Shriek and walks off furious stating how he hates games. Then he finds Appa "hiding" behind a tiny tree covering his face. Last is Toph but Sokka cannot find her he spends ages looking and comes to a rock overlooking the sea, he can't believe his detective skills are not working as Toph erupts out of the ground tired of hiding so long, the eruption blows Sokka shoes off and Toph says his feet stink.
Bumi Vs Toph Round 1
Written By: Johane Matte and Joshua Hamilton
Art By: Johane Matte
Colours By: Hye Jung Kim
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Old People Camp, near Ba Sing Se
Takes Place: Before Sokka, Suki, Toph, Zu.ko and Katara leave for their final battles, I.E the middle of The Old Masters
In the Order Of The White Lotus camp, Sokka and Suki are still finding it hard to believe that Bumi took back Omashu alone, Suki says he must be the best Earthbender of all time. Toph had just woken up and overheard this, she thinks she is the best Earthbender and is unable to believe that the elderly Bumi can be better than her. The two begin to thrash talk each other until Sokka knows there is only one way to settle this dipute, An Earthbending Rumble. They go to a nearby Rock canyon and Sokka plays referee and announcer, he introduces them "In The East Corner we have Toph, A.K.A. The Blind Bandit, A.K.A. The Runaway, the self-proclaimed Greatest Earthbender Of All Time! and , in the West Corner of the canyon we have King Bumi, A.K.A. The Mad Earthbending Genius, A.K.A. The Over-The-Hill Hitter", the rumble begins.
It is very polite to start off with, Bumi insists Toph go first, but Toph wouldn't dare of disrespecting her elder, Sokka ever the fan of a good fight demands they begin and Bumi starts with a shower of giant boulders. Sokka cheers on both contenders, Suki asks what he is doing to which Sokka relies that as the referee he has to be impartial. The battle is intense and alerts Katara, who demands to know why they are all being so silly battling right before they go into the most important battle against the Fire Nation. The combatants are even and their attacks get more and more powerful, they soon alert everyone back at the camp. Everyone comes down to the canyon to try and stop the fight before someone gets hurt or they alert the Fire Nation, Sokka rings the end bell but they cannot hear it. The others decide they have to stop them with force, using bending and all their skills they manage to stop the fight. Sokka declared the match a draw. Sokka says they can have a rematch later, and Toph and Bumi are excited for that.
Those are all the stories from the book that are considered Canon (In Continuity with the show), here are 2 bonus stories from the book that are not considered canon.
Bonus Stories
New Recruits
Written By: Dave Roman
Art By: Justin Ridge
Colours By: Sno Cone Studios and Hye Jung Kim
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: Unknown Bar
Takes Place: Not in Canon, but if it was Toph is present and they are in their Book 2 clothes so after The Blind Bandit
Aang, Katara, Toph and Sokka come to a Bar because a talent scout said he would meet them there, they want to find some new allies to fight against the Fire Nation. The Scout soon arrives and introduces: Analay The Shadowbender who uses her shadow like a whip, Hiroshi The Earthbender whose trademark attack is to tunnel underground and surprise his enemies he also has a Rock Dragon, Genji, Visola a Northern Tribe Waterbender who likes to make custom weapons like a wave ring (circular surfboard) and last Riley a Cookie Dough bender. As Team Avatar debates over who to choose all the candidates leave, the scout says they have decided to make their own group.
Gym Time
Written By: Alison Wilgus
Art By: Ethan Spaulding
Colours By: Wes Dzioba
Letters By: Comicraft
Location: In the Avatar Chibi world, in the school gym class
Takes Place: some random day in Chibi Avatar world in school, would be part of the chibi continuity
Sokka, Toph, Katara, Aang, Azula, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Suki, Haru and Jet are all in Avatar Kyoshi's Gym class, she has decided that today they are playing dodgeball and that Aang and Azula will be the team captains. Aang chooses: Sokka, Katara, Toph and Suki and Azula chooses: Ty Lee, Haru and Jet. Azula has the next pick, it is between Mai and Zuko, Zuko really wants to be picked, but Azula goes for Mai. Zuko asks Avatar " Kyoshi what he will do, she says he is the ball and earthbends him into play as the class go mad trying to get Zuko, Zuko fears for his life.
There you have it Detailed summaries for all of the stories from The Lost Adventures book, the one details these summaries are missing is the art, but to see that you will need the book. As I said in my review it is an amazing book, a must have for every Avatar fan, to get the full experience you need to see the character expressions and the art.
If you would like Synopses of Avatar The Last Airbender episodes check out this post
When the new Graphic Novels come out Early 2012, we will endeavour to get out Reviews and Synopses as soon as we can.