While there was no additional news or art from the Korra comics revealed at New York Comic Con, we have got a release window for the first comic.
The actual art prints given out at the Brittney Williams signing say "Coming Fall 2016" in the bottom right corner. As shown here on tumblr user, Avatar-Caro's image.
This is the time most fans predicted as soon as the series was announced. That puts it as roughly 1 year from now. Smoke and Shadow Part 3 is out in March and at the earliest it would be September for the first Korra comic. This seems like another potentially massive break, but we know there is another ATLA comic coming after Smoke and Shadow, we don't know the details of that yet or what the plan is, but it could start before the Korra comics and they would then be released back to back.
A year from now does make sense given the lack of information known about the comic already, I get the feeling that Brittney Williams has only been on board for a couple of weeks, hence why the only art we see are these sketches. This puts the comic in very early production and we know it takes a long time for any artist to draw/colour 70+ pages. It just shows that we have found out about these Korra comics VERY early in production.
Thoughts on the release window?