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Summary of The Legend of Korra Episode 4

The Voice In The Night

Korra has a Nightmare of Amon Stealing her Bending

Korra has a Nightmare of Amon Stealing her Bending

Korra has Nightmares

Turns out the ordeal with Bolin being captured by Amon left quite an impression on Korra as she has a nightmare about Amon and his henchmen capturing her and Amon preparing to take away her bending before she wakes up.

Hearing Amon over the radio and other occurences further starts to shake Korra as she sees the real danger that Amon is presenting to the Benders throughout the world.

Tarlock Proposes a Task Force, Tenzin disagrees but the council votes against him.

Tarlock Proposes a Task Force, Tenzin disagrees but the council votes against him.

Republic City council decides to take action

Tarlock a lead member in the Republic City Council proposes that force must be used against Amon in order to put an end to the dangerous vigilante.  Tenzin opposes the move as he believes that any measure of force would lead to all out war between non benders and benders.

Tarlock puts the idea to a vote and the council votes in favor of creating the Task Force to strike straight at Amon’s training camps to hopefully put an end to the uprising.

Tarlock Sends Gifts

Tarlock keeps sending Korra gifts to try and persuade her to join the Task Force

Tarlock attempts to recruit Korra

After Tarlock wins the Councils vote he decides to try and recruit Korra to join the task force, he goes to Tenzins home during Dinner and is rejected by Korra.  Not taking no for an answer he continues to send gift after gift to try and persuade Korra to change her mind.

Korra however isn’t impressed by Tarlocks gifts and still refuses to join his Task Force against Amon.


Mako Meets Asami

Mako and Asami Meet

Mako and Asami Meet by Asami running into Mako with her moped.

Meanwhile Mako is “run into” by Asami on her scooter, Asami proceeds to invite Mako on a date to a super fancy Restaurant.  The date goes very well, especially once Mako learns that Asami is the daughter of Hiroshi Sato the inventor of the Satomobile and one of the richest men in Republic City.

Asami offers Mako the chance to meet her father and Mako jumps at the chance.  Mako goes to meet him and discovers that Hiroshi Sato has chosen to sponsor the Fire Ferrets in the tournament so long as they wear the Future Industries logo and promote his business.  Mako is thrilled at this new opportunity.

Hiroshi Sato (Asami's Father) Sponsors the Fire Ferrets

Hiroshi Sato (Asami's Father) Sponsors the Fire Ferrets

Korra is invited to a party by Tarlock

Tarlocks final ploy to get Korra to join the Task Force turns out fruitful as he invites her to a gala in her honor.  As the party goes on Korra meets Asami for the first time and is a bit jealous of her and Mako.

Tarlock Invites korra to a Gala in Her Honor

Tarlock Invites korra to a Gala in Her Honor


Tarlock invites Korra to answer some questions from reporters and it looks like he may have planted some reporters to ask Korra questions about her bravery which rile Korra up enough to give in and join Tarlocks Task Force.

The Task Force Strikes

Tarlocks Task Force assembles quickly and finds a Chi Blocker training camp to attack.  With Korra as a part of a team they strike at the Chi Blocker camp and successfully arrest several Chi Blockers.

Tarlock Korra and the Task Force Attack a Chi Blocker Camp

Tarlock Korra and the Task Force Attack a Chi Blocker Camp

Tarlock uses the opportunity to get as much press coverage as possible.

Korra Challenges Amon to a Duel

Under scrutiny from the press again based on the fact that Amon is still at large Korra publicly challenges Amon to a duel underneath the statue of Aang.

Amon Threatening Korra

Amon Threatens Korra but leaves her unconscious.

When the time comes for a Duel it looks like Amon isn’t even going to show up, as Korra is about to leave several Chi Blockers ambush Korra and capture her for Amon.  Amon informs Korra that he will not take away her bending as she would become a martyr for benders to rally behind, instead he leaves her unconscious.  While Korra is unconscious Korra has a flashback to Aang, Toph, Sokka, and others.

Tenzin comes and finds Korra distraught over the events.

Korra has a flashback to Old Aang

Korra has a flashback to an Older Aang

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