Airspeed Prime here just like the past two years to cover SDCC for the site. As usual I am not at the convention, but I will be compiling all of the available information from the panel into this post.
Like last year this post will constantly be updated so refresh this post every 2-3 minutes to see what news there is. If the past two years are anything to go by, images and video will come out after the panel ends. I will post the sources of the information after the panel ends as there will be a lot. Finally since we know Book 2 Episode 1, Rebel Spirit will be shown I will put the reports of the episode in a spoiler section at the bottom of the review away from the other news.
-Hypable's live blog
-Images from JennyatSDCC
I think this is Wan entering the Avatar State[/caption]
- Still an hour to go until it begins, but as far as I can tell Ballroom 20 is already packed with Korra fans
- My browser tab count is currently at 13 as I try to find as many sources who will be covering the panel live.
- 30 minutes to go
- 15 to go, don't worry I won't do a full on countdown, next one will be when the panel is starting.
- Panel before Korra is over, I assume Mike, Bryan and the crew will be arriving soon.
- Just in case you are hearing that there are livestreams of the panel out there, there are not, the interviews after the panel will be livestreamed on IGN. We are going off text reports here.
- According to Korra Nation the SDCC Korra fan art winner will be announced soon at the panel.
- Seems like the panel has just began.
- Panel opens with a Book 2 trailer with some slow yet beautiful music
- Book 2 coming in September, I called it :)
- Trailer featured Asami, Wan, Wan Shi Tong, Kya and Tenzin falling down a waterfall...
- Jinora enters the Spirit World with Korra, Asami is seen crying, Wan and Korra both entering Avatar State
- Bryan says that they have a tonne of content for us
- Like last year they mention the new additions to the creative team for the rest of Korra. Colin Heck, Lauren Montgomery and Ian Graham. New writers/directors for the upcoming episodes.
- Josh Hamilton and Tim Hedrick are back as writers, they wrote many ATLA episodes
- Up next is the Book 2 Episode 1 premiere.
- While the episode airs I will upload some pics, just a few as I will have more time afterwards
- Korra Nation posted this Mako GIF

- Korra Nation with an Airkids gif
- Varrick GIF
- Eska gif
- They are into a Q and A session now, first question up is how did the VA's get into voice acting. I will only post if their is good info.
- The voice actors talk about seeing that episode for the first time and their first gigs as actors
- Next up is a sneak peak of Avatar Wan, the first Avatar
- Just saw that episode 1 was written by Tim Hedrick
- "There's an origin story of the Avatar, we've kicked around since season 2 of Avatar," says Mike.
- Flashbacks have a different art style, stylised, wood block, nice paintings with textures.
- Wan is the original Avatar from 10000 years before Korra. His animal is a cat-deer named Mula.
- Other characters are a large man in red with a headdress and a Lemur esque human sized creature that is a light spirit, which we have ever seen before.
- Humans can be altered by Spirits
- "Wan has several costumes - young and ragged Earth Kingdom style, more put-together Fire Nation style, very wrapped and somewhat Water-ish."
- They reveal the fan art winners, which Korra Nation just put up here,
- Some of the spirits are tributes to Miyazaki
- Korra Nation just revealed that the 5pm surprise is just that there is a scavenger hunt for anyone at the convention, where they can win prizes. We have still yet to get what us online fans who cannot attend will get to see, Nick did tease something. I assume at least the trailers will go online.
- Mike mentions there is no specific date in September, but it is for sure that month.
- Adding more pics now
- Here are some background shots from Wan's time
- Some of the characters from the flashbacks
- Some images of Wan
- His Cat-Deer Mula