A bunch of potential product release dates to talk about.
First up Barnes and Nobles has a listing up for the Book 2 Spirits Art Book with a release date of September 16th 2014. This is a Tuesday so that makes sense, if true this means that the actual comic book store release date would be September 3rd which is a Wednesday (New Comic Book Day). The cover they use is one we have seen before, it is the SDCC poster from last year, more than likely there will be a new cover and this is just a placeholder (That is what happened with the Book 1 Air Art Book). The listed price is $34.99 which is the same price as the first Art Book.
Secondly is the Book 2 Spirits DVD set. We have heard nothing about it, until now. Best Buy and Amazon.com both have listings up for the product, with Best Buy showing a release date of July 1st while Amazon has no date, but has the set up for pre-order. The image on the listing is just a stock piece of art, I suspect as with the Art Book we will get a new piece of art revealed at a later date. Best Buy also have a Blu Ray listing up too and have mentioned on twitter that the date they have was given to them by the manufacturer. Price seems to be between $14-$18.
So overall a good day for news. 2 products we have been waiting for at last get dates.