At long last The Rift Part 3 is here. Today is the comic store release date for the book, with November 18th being the release date elsewhere.
Written By: Gene Luen Yang
Art and Colours by: Team Gurihiru (Art and inks by Sasaki with Colours by Kawano)
Letters By: Michael Heisler
Published By: Dark Horse Comics
As usual I will split my review into a spoiler and non-spoiler section, starting with the non-spoiler stuff and finishing with my spoiler thoughts below a warning. So there is something here for you regardless of your views on spoilers.
So at last we arrive at the final part of The Rift Trilogy. I was excited, but also very worried about this book as there was so much stuff set up in Parts 1 and 2 for this book to resolve, I was worried that key aspects would not get the time they deserved. Thankfully I had no reason to worry as The Rift Part is is a satisfying and strong conclusion to what in my mind is the best trilogy of Avatar comics so far, yes for me this does beat The Search. The reason I say that it because The Search was extremely focused on just a few things and it did them well, but it did mean that some of the other characters not as important to the plot felt superfluous, with The Rift I think we a comic that had a lot of different story and character threads and managed to balance all of them pretty well, making for a book packed with interesting events. With this series I really feel that Avatar Comics have now shown that they can tell stories just as interesting as the show, without having to be based around an unresolved plot point from the show. Minus Toph and her father most of the stuff here has been introduced in the comics alone and we even get some references to past comics.
What really stood out to me with this book is that I really reacted to a lot of the big moments in a big way. There have been a few moments here and there in previous comics where I have had a big reaction on the level of a big reveal in the show, but I really felt like this book had many of these moments. One in particular, I thought was a MASSIVE moment, that I just did not expect at all and really floored me. It is hugely positive going forward that these comics are making me react more and more in the way I would usually react to an episode. This book more than any so far have made me truly believe that this creative team of Gene Yang and Team Gurihiru truly understand the Avatar universe. While Korra is coming to an end this year, the comics will be continuing and I for one am delighted that we have a creative team putting out content that is on a similar level to the animation.
Now lets get into some story details. While I think many came into this series excited to see Toph's story with her father, what for me has been a welcome surprise is the spiritual plot with Yangchen, General Old Iron and Lady Tienhai. Now that I have finished the series, I think the highlight of the series and definitely this final part is how the spiritual plot of "Can humans and spirits live together?" is explored here. It is a theme that has been explored in Book 2 Spirits with Wan and Korra, but it was only touched upon very lightly in ATLA with episodes like "Winter Solstice Part 1 The Spirit World" We know from part two that the jist of the situation is that General Old Iron hates humans for being responsible for killing Lady Tienhai and only the intervention of Avatar Yangchen and her making a deal with him stopped him destroying many humans. In this book we learn what really happened to Lady Tienhai, the full details of the agreement Yangchen made with Old Iron and a lot about both spirit's opinion on humanity. It is no spoiler to say that Aang does fight Old Iron and the fight is awesome with Aang controlling a golem of earth with him in the Avatar state at the head, but what I found to be even more interesting was the dialogue as the two fought. Aang trying to reason with Old Iron while Old Iron cannot see past the fact that in his mind humans killed Tienhai and thus all they do is destroy and dominate. You really see a lot of emotion from Old Iron, and this is something The Search also presented, that the spirit are not so all knowing and wise as we think, they look down on humans for their emotions and various traits when they too have them also. The Mother Of Faces doesn't know how to deal with her son Koh, yet acts as if she is above Ursa's issues. Here General Old Iron consumed by anger makes out like he is completely correct, no one can convince him that humans are not bad. I won't spoil the remainder of the fight here as it is one of the best parts of the book, but it left me shocked. The revelation of the story of what happened to Lady Tienhai does change your perspective on things a lot, again what actually happened really took me by surprise. The idea that these two spirits who are friends can have such opposing views on humanity is fascinating.
The agreement also plays into the conflict between Aang and Toph. The main part of the agreement was that no human settlements be build on the land around the statue of Lady Tienhai, hence why the Refinery is such a big problem. What happens is that Aang initially tries to stop Old Iron returning by destroying the refinery and returning the land to the state it was before it was there, but Toph is against this as she sees it as Aang just being a slave to traditions and the past and that the refinery should stay because it is the future. This leads to Aang and Toph actually fighting against each other!!! Obviously we know the two remain friends, but how this comes about is pretty interesting, it is not that either one is completely right or wrong, rather they needed to find a common ground in the middle of their views. Toph needed to learn to respect some tradition and not just ignore the past, while Aang needed to stop clinging on so hard to the exact details of these past events and rather try to adapt them to the current day. There is no big talking scene between the two where they see each other's side, instead in the heat of battle they come together to take on a greater enemy and at the end you see a festival happening, but not the super traditional Yangchen festival instead a new festival that is a mix of tradition and modern styles. It works as a nice way to show the compromise between the two, without the need of a long back and forth between the two talking about what they learned.
Toph and Lao's issues are mainly resolved in the preview which everyone has seen, but throughout the rest of the book we see that the two are more open with each other, while there are no big scenes of them talking after the preview, you can see that they understand each other now and they have opened communication up again. The Key moment between the two is that after exerting herself so much to keep the cave from collapsing she herself collapses once they are freed and Lao is very overprotective of her. When she regains consciousness she wants to jump straight back into the battle, but Lao just says he needs to remain safe, she says she is needed and doesn't need to be safe and then instead of what he would usually do and shut her down and stop her from jumping into action he agrees and apologises for treating her as being so fragile. Such a simple scene, but it does so much given the issues of their relationship.
With regards to Katara and Sokka dealing with Nutha and Niyok. It perhaps does not get the huge focus or massive reveal many perhaps hoped for, but it is nicely resolved. It is short, but what happens does make sense.
Final thing I really want to mention in the non spoiler section is the return of Toph's Metalbending students: Ho-Tun, Penga and The Dark One. Introduced in The Promise I found them to be reasonably interesting if a bit one note, I didn't hate them, but I didn't love them. Here I think they are utilised much better, Aang actually says something to them in this book that I had never thought of before, that these 3 are the most powerful metalbenders in the world minus Toph. They arrive to try and get Toph and the others out of the collapse because only metalbenders can remove the rubble, they initially lack confidence, but when Aang points that out to them hey show how powerful they are even impressing Toph. You really do see the pride that Toph has in her first 3 students and that they are very strong. I would really like to see where the 3 eventually go as characters as I still feel they need to stand out more as individuals rather than a group of 3. They do do some important things in this book and they have definitely become more interesting to me as characters with this book.
Art is as usual from Gurihuru, amazing. I don't think anything else needs to be said, except that they do the spirit stuff exceptionally well.
Overall I think this is an excellent book. Some of the spirit stuff towards the end is extremely thought provoking and really adds an extra layer to the human-spirit dynamic, seeing Aang deal with this issue is so interesting. The book does wrap up all of the key plot points set up, though it doesn't really set up a new series. It has strong character arcs, themes and fights, I think this book is definitely worth your 11 dollars. You can really see how much the writing has improved since The Promise here, it really does show.
The Rift Part 3